Zbigniew Oszmana

programista, analityk
Tczew, pomorskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Product Owner
Easy 2 Scout
• Possitions: Project coordinator & manager / data science / data analyst / scientific research
• Tasks & responsibilities:
Product manager:
• Maintaining and improving the company's product
• Participation in company management meetings / strategy / making business decisions
• Cooperation and assistance in creating business and financial plans.
Quarterly, half-yearly and annual financial statements.
• Meetings and presentations for CEOs and owners company of various companies /
management groups (multi-lingual)
Data analyst, data science, scientific research:
• Cooperation with one of the largest companies with data collection on the world
• Improving the quality of the company's products (inter-company cooperation)
• Analysing and modelling large quantities of data. Operating on Big data
• Designing and optimizing the performance of databases and SQL queries.
• Creating and monitoring statistical models, presenting control sentation
• Precise data analysis and irregularity detection.

Technical environment: Windows, Google cloud, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Funcions & Tiggers,
Data warehous, Python, Git Hub, Git Lab, API migration, Tableau, UML, CSV, XML,
Full package Microsoft Office: Access, Excel VBA, Power point
Data Analyst
Data analyst:
• Analysing and modelling large quantities of data. Operating on Big data
• Designing and optimizing the performance of databases and SQL queries.
• Creating and monitoring statistical models, for individual company control, presentations.
• Precise data analysis and irregularity detection.

Technical environment: Windows, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Funcions & Tiggers, Data warehous,
Tableau, UML, CSV, XML
Full package Microsoft Office: Access, Excel VBA, Power point, OneNote

Additional office work:
• Data migration between programs in company departments: financial, marketing
• Advanced practical work in SQL, Big data, Big query
• Resolving multi-level application issues
• Operation on many components: Comarch, marketing and sales programs, ERP, managing
document turnover within the company

Project / Product coordinator: „SAP”
Date: 12.2022 to 01.2024 (2 years)
• Implementing the structure to the entire company
• Learning and cooperation with SAP employees
• Creating an implementation schedule
• Organizing employees' work in the system
• Creating process control reports
• Configuration and creation of functional templates for various departments of the company
• Testing the service / Troubleshooting multi-level application issues
• Using the SAP analysis module
• Structure development and product
• Close development and cooperation with multiple task departments:
financial, marketing, analysts, testers, programmers, company management,
SAP technicians and implementers
• Analytical thinking & Making strategic decisions
Technical environment: Windows, SAP SPORTS ONE, AWS, AZURE, GIT Hub, Microsoft SQL Server,
SQL Funcions & Tiggers, Data warehous, Tableau, UML, CSV, XML, Full package Microsoft Office:
Access, Excel VBA, Power point, OneNote
Certificate: SAP S4/Hana, SAP SD, SAP MM, Analytics cloud

Assistant analystin 1-st team (10 years)
• Creating materials about team and players for staff, players, club management, oponent analysis
• Tactical material: High level of technical and tactical football knowledge also thematic briefings
for team and players. (multi-language presentation)
• Participate in training, team evens, matches, live match analysis (tactical team materials and
individual players behavior)
• Use of multiple video and statistical analysis tools (I create own data analysis programs)
• Preparation videos to improve skills and potential.
• Creation of reports / documentation: conclusions and show option direction of work.
Statistical reports / skill + potential of team and players (own program)
• Physical reports / individual and team summaries (own program)
• RPE questionnaires
• Cooperation and scientific training with Trainers, Analysts, Motor Preparation Trainers,
Physiotherapists, Doctors, Psychologists, Talent Scouts and management agencies.

Technical environment: Windows, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Funcions& Tiggers, Data
warehous, Tableau, UML, CSV, XML
Full package Microsoft Office: Access, Excel VBA, Power point
Metodology: PRICE2, AGLIA
Football data: Wyscout, Live Tag Pro, StatsBomb, Goalimpact, Impect, Skill corner etc.
Certificate: Coach UEFA B, Course FC Barcelona Joan Bosch, Football Sports Instructor
work in Norway
Multi Industrier As
Possitions: Technical work the project / platforms / offshore /shipyard

Tasks & responsibilities:
Product manager:
Assembling and disassembling construction scaffolding while observing the necessary safety rules
Reading technical plans
Supporting work / Supervise work on aluminum and steel scaffolding
Managing a small group of scaffolders (2-6)
Preparing the site for the construction of scaffolding
Correctly setting up scaffolding, selecting auxiliary components, checking the entire structure and dismantling it when the job is finished
Possitions: Programmer / junior account and product manager
Tasks & responsibilities:
Maintaining and improving the company's product
Creating websites and designing IT systems
Designing network communication (Web Services and API tools)
IT Junior Account manager:
Customer contact, IT support.
Analysis of customer needs and requirements.
Care of server rooms
Data security and database updates.
Optimizing IT solutions for cooperate companys.
Implementation of ERP, WMS, DMS & Integration with other systems.
Migrating systems to new platforms.

Technical environment: Windows, Javascript, Apache Tomcat, JIRA, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SQL, MySQL, SVN, GIT, PHP, HTML, CSS Full package Microsoft Office: Excel, Power point
Frameworks: Symphony, modX, wordpress, PrestaShop, Joomla
Possitions: Programmer

Technical environment: Windows, Javascript, GIT, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL Server, MySQL
PKP Informatyka Sp. z o.o.
Possitions: Junior Programmer
Tasks & responsibilities:
Development of specialized transportation management systems

Technical environment: Windows, C#, Java, J2EE, Apache Tomcat, JIRA, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SVN, GIT, PHP, HTML, CSS
ING Bank Śląski SA
Obsługa klientów bieżących / Small Biznes

Szkolenia i kursy

Certyfikaty ukończenia kursu Akademii Cisco:
> CCNA 1 Networking Basics [08.02.2008]
> CCNA 2 Router and Routing Basics [06.05.2008]
> CCNA 3 Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing [10.07.2008]
> Fundamantals of Java Programming. J2SE [22.01.2009]
> Fundamentals of Wirless LAN [22.06.2009]


Informatyka i Ekonometria, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Gdański
Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki : kierunek Informatyka, magisterskie
Politechnika Gdańska
Informatyczne, średnie


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista Python
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista C#
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie IT


Rozwój umiejętności IT


Uniwersytet Gdański
Uniwersytet Gdański
Studia na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim to konkurencyjność na rynku pracy. Pożądane wśród pracodawców kierunki studiów, praktyczne umiejętności dzięki nowoczesnym pracowniom oraz stażom.
administratorzy linux/unix
Bazy Danych
Bazy Danych
Zagadnienia bazodanowe: SQL99 i jego implementacje w popularnych systemach RDBMS: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, IBM DB2 i inne.
Business IT
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
O sprzęcie i konfiguracji tegoż.
Darmowe szkolenia
Darmowe szkolenia
Po prostu wymiana informacji na temat darmowych szkoleń..
IT Warszawa
IT Warszawa
Grupa dla osób związanych z branżą IT w Warszawie i nie tylko
Dla programistów PHP
Polska Grupa SharePoint PGS
Polska Grupa SharePoint PGS
Polska Grupa SharePoint (PGS) jest grupą pasjonatów systemów Windows SharePoint Services i Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. Naszym celem jest umożliwienie jak najszerszemu gronu ludzi poznawania na
Pozycjonowanie stron www
Pozycjonowanie stron www
Grupa dla osób zainteresowanych wypromowaniem swojego serwisu www na jak najwyższe pozycje w wynikach wyszukiwarek internetowych (Google, Bing)
Programiści WWW
Programiści WWW
Tworzysz strony internetowe? DOŁĄCZ DO NAS !!! Tematyka grupy to: PHP, ASP.NET, HTML5, grafika, bazy danych, pozycjonowanie, oraz wszelkie tematy związane z tworzeniem serwisów www.
Projekty start-up
Projekty start-up
internetowe start-upy, wszystko co zwiazane z nowymi projektami, ich finansowaniem i zarzadzaniem