Sławomir Bara

BCC Business Analysis & Reporting, Euroclear Bank
Kraków, małopolskie


Convertible Bonds Platforma Documentum Lotus Notes Spotkania Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Siebel SQL Microsoft Access Księgowość odpowiedzialność praca w zespole Kontakt z klientem Sales Force obligacje Microsoft VBA Payroll Processing Działania korporacyjne



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Euroclear Bank
BCC Business Analysis & Reporting
Member of Business Computing Centre Team
It aims at improving business operations and make it run smoothly and profitably in the long run through automation of processes.

My goal is to provide generic and agile solutions for reuse across several business domains and for flexible adaptation to business evolution.

Main responsibilities:
- performing business and functional analysis of users needs,
- defining the appropriate design of the operational tools for automation,
- creating tools for automatic data input, reporting and notification sending using VBA, SQL, MS Access,
- testing delivered tools versus the requirements of the business,
- converting unsupported tactical tools into supported ones which answer the standards of cyber security,
- managing the roll-out of the tools and ensuring operational readiness,
- taking care of corrective and evolutive maintenance of the implemented tools,
- close cooperation with operational business teams.

Being part of the team involves me also in providing the 1st level of support to end users and proactively seek for opportunities within the business to optimize the processes and mitigate risks.
Euroclear Bank
Banking Operations Analyst
Member of Corporate Actions / Bonds Options Team.

Key responsibilities:

- Responsible to transfer the processes to Poland in order to create a parallel team,
- Daily creation of corporate actions information events,
- Indirect helping and providing extra information to the clients through contact with client service team,
- Challenging and improving the process, applications (VBA implementation) and procedures in order to make daily job immune to human errors and more efficient,
- Being all the time in contact with the agents, mostly in Europe and United States of America in order to maintain a high quality service in daily work,
- Providing coaching to new members of Bonds Options team.
Aon Hewitt
Benefit Administrator
Member of Payroll Team

Key responsibilities:

- Dealing with employees’ queries via email and telephone,
- Direct payroll input into Aquila and Profund environment,
- Liaison with client as necessary with any payroll related queries or processes,
- Ad-hoc payroll duties as required,
- Taking part in transition process of work from UK and India.
State Street Bank GmbH Oddział w Polsce
Fund Accountant
Member of Fund Accounting Team

Key responsibilities:

- Identifying, analyzing and substantiate impacts to the NAV,
- Posting and monitoring of expense accruals,
- Monitoring of securities pricing impacts, price dissemination and generating
various accounting-based reporting,
- Reconciling various accounts to ensure the integrity of the NAV,
- Training new joiners.
Agencja Interaktywna Krakweb.pl
Consultant for CMS systems - Internship
Key responsibilities:

- Preparing offers for potential and existing clients,
- Finding and arranging meetings with new clients,
- Advising clients which functionalities of CMS system would be necessary for their business,
- Cooperating with other team members regarding marketing campaigns
AZSoft S.A.
Consultant - Internship
- Contact with the client,
- Gathering information from the clients,
- Maintaining good relationships with clients

Szkolenia i kursy

- Introduction to Hedge Funds
- Microsoft Access 2013 Advanced
- Microsoft Excel Advanced
- Project Management Foundation
- SQL Basic


Informatyka i Ekonometria, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Informatyka Stosowana, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania WIT w Warszawie


Bankowość korporacyjna/SME
Zarządzanie finansami
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista VB


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania
Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania
Uczelnia powstała w 1996 roku z inicjatywy Prezesa Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Uczelnia jest członkiem KRASP (Konferencji Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich), jako jedna z dziewięciu szk&o
EXCEL w praktyce
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy