Robert Maciaszek

Experienced in the areas of real estate and general management, marketing and sales. Successful in building organizations from the scratch.
Kraków, małopolskie


Social Media Marketing Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premier Pro Prawo jazdy kat B Pakiet MS Offiece



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego
Director of the Department of Treasury and Economy
Real estate property management and direct supervision over the public companies, both owned by regional government.
Attracting foreign investors and increasing involvement of regional enterprises in international markets, with particular emphasis on exports development.
Preparation, implementation and execution of projects supporting entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness of the regional economy. Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) in the Malopolska region, especially in the area of smart specialization. Cooperation with business, universities, business environment institutions and NGOs in this field.
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Member of Polish Parliament
Leading 3 committees including Special Committee for the Codification Changes. Representing the Parliament before the Constitutional Tribunal. Working on 9 bills – all entered into force.
Deputy Mayor
City of Chrzanów
Responsible for health care, public transport, education, social policy, culture and sport in the City of Chrzanów with a population of 50, 000 residents and a budget of 40 mln EUR.
Leading the process of transformation of the Public Health Center owned by the city into limited company. Creating a Energy Purchasing Group for the public sector in the Chrzanów District. Carrying out thermal modernization of schools and kindergartens in order to reduce utility cost.
B&B Tools Poland Sp. z o.o.
Retail Sales Manager
Leading the development of retail sales for targeted prospects; achieving sales and revenue goals, executing push-based strategies and ensuring that all accounts are profitably serviced; leading the marketing planning process; improving client utilization and product / service adoption rates.
Luna Polska Sp. z o.o.
Business Development Manager
Responsible for business development in Poland; improving an organisation's market position and achieving financial growth; responsible for defining long-term strategic goals, building key customer relationships, identifying business opportunities, negotiating and closing business deals.
The Athletes Foot
Store Manager
Responsible for day-to-day operations of a retail store, staff recruitment, trainings.

Szkolenia i kursy

Negocjacje handlowe
Teorie Osobowości
Zamówienia publiczne
Kontrola i Audyt
Obsługa Klienta


Executive MBA, MBA
Ecole de Management de Normandie, AESE Business School, Cracow School of Business CUE
Certified Professional Trainer, studia podyplomowe
European Management Studies, studia podyplomowe
Cracow University of Economics
Master of Laws (LLM), magisterskie
University of Silesia in Katowice


Marketing handlowy
Utrzymanie/Zarządzanie nieruchomościami
Doradztwo prawne
Zarządzanie sprzedażą


business psychology, marketing, snowboardig,


Free Legal Advice Centre in Chrzanów
Founder and lawyer
Delivering pro bono legal services to individuals who, for various reasons, cannot access legal advice elsewhere. Helping more than 5,000 people with all sorts of legal issues in the last 10 years.


IVLP Alumnus
International Leadership Visitor Program - U.S. Department of State
The International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is the U.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange program. Through short-term visits to the United States, current and emerging foreign leaders in a variety of fields experience this country firsthand and cultivate lasting relationships with their American counterparts.
Attendee of the Multi-Regional Project „Global Economic Cooperation” from February 24 until March 18, 2018.


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.