Robert Lasota

Insurance Sales & Operations | Group Insurance | Corporate & SME Sector | P&L Management
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Microsoft Office Strategia biznesowa Microsoft Project Zarządzanie Sprzedażą usprawnianie procesów Zarządzanie procesami Business Process Optimization B2B Sales Team Management Ubezpieczenie na Życie F2F Sales Team Management Management of Insurance Operations WorkSite Marketing CRM/



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Open Life Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Życie S.A.
Group Insurance Department Director
Direct and manage the business development activities in group life insurance sales driving sales activities, new product approach and the acquisition of new business.
Responsible for the overall management of strategic and operational Sales Partners activities.
Take ownership of the management of the sales function in group life insurance business line.
Planning and coordinating the implementation of business plans and the penetration of new markets.
Warta TUnŻ
Group Insurance Business Development Manager
Direct and manage the business development activities in external sales channels for group insurance sector.
Take ownership of the management of the brokers’ sales function.
Responsible for design and implementation of Key Account Manager role in portfolio management area.
Group Insurance Department Director | Employee Benefits Head
Managed activities, P&L (profit and loss) and whole employee benefits / group life insurance business line in corporate and SME sector:
■ sales and sales support in terms of new business development and portfolio management
■ policy administration and customer service
■ group insurance product development and underwriting (pricing), offer preparation

Developed and implemented unique WorkSite Marketing concept in new business sales and portfolio management
Group Policies Administration Department Director
Managed group policies administration, corporate and SME customers service with design and implementation of new business processes, structure and IT solutions to increase team efficiency, provide proper quality and build value proposition for multinational and local clients.
PZU Życie S.A.
Insurance Operations Department Director | Insurance Operations Division Head
Organized, managed, and supervised PZU's Life operations and back-office service centers (day-to-day operations, responsibilities, processes, procedures and IT solutions implementation):
■ policy administration both group and individual
■ claims handling
■ customer service
■ complaints processes
PZU Życie S.A.
Network Management Department Director | Network Management Division Head
Designed and implemented a new distribution channel to boost company sales – OtC (Over the Counter Sales) which focused on mature policy recapture, upsell and new individual product sales

Managed changes of processes in customer service division and developed sales (more than 1500 employees located in 370 Points of Service organized into 9 branches)
PZU Życie S.A.
Business Architecture Coordinating Director | Business Solution Architect
Coordinated business architecture and business experts in terms of processes design and procedures implemented into new system for servicing policies, clients, claims and supporting processes
PZU Życie S.A.
Back-Office Service Center Director
Organized from scratch back-office service center dedicated for individual policies administration and claims handling (approx. 200 employees):
■ business concept
■ model of processes
■ organizational structure
■ human resources, recruitment
■ business and logistic support (HR, financial, IT)
■ implementation IT systems, i.a. for agents management and network remuneration accounting
PZU Życie S.A.
Warsaw Branch Manager
Managed one of the biggest in terms of premium PZU's Life branch, 11 Points of Sale (POS), 17 direct reports and 170 employees:
■ budgeting
■ sales planning and execution of individual and group sales
■ policy administration and claims handling
■ customer service
■ financial, IT, HR support
PZU Życie S.A.
Warsaw Branch Deputy Manager, Agency Sales Manager
Managed sales in group and individual business.
Organized branch's agency sales channel.
Was responsible for branch's insurance operations
Teaching and Research Professor Assistant – Machinery and Food Technology Faculty


Employee Benefits / group life insurance strategy rebuilding
■ Multidimensional analysis of business interdependency / correlations within group life insurance
■ Assumptions remodeling in terms of distribution
■ Customer and sales channel segmentation
■ Corporate customer segmentation and proper to segments service level (SLA)
New insurance system implementation
■ Business architecture and business needs management
■ Coordination of business specialists and creation of new servicing models
Back-Office Service Center
■ Business models
■ Model of processes and procedures
■ Organizational structure
■ Recruitment processes
■ Technical environment and IT tools implementation

Szkolenia i kursy

■ Insurance processes modeling and business processes optimization and management;
■ PRINCE2 project management;
■ The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Franklin Covey Poland;


Strategic Business Management, studia podyplomowe
SGH, Warsaw School of Economics
Food Machinery, magisterskie
Lublin University of Life Science


Obsługa klienta
Usługi profesjonalne
Ubezpieczenia na życie
Zarządzanie jakością
Zapewnienie jakości


"Niedoceniana Wartość Dodana / Underestimated added value":,artykuly,187530,1,1.html

Group insurance are just one of many benefits that employers can (and often should) offer to employees. One of the effects of the projected demographic drama will be “employee market” and shrinking number of specialists.
What can keep specialists better than creating added value for them?


Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie