Michał Kruczkowski

Bezpieczeństwo sieci komputerowych
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Agile Sztuczna inteligencja Business Intelligence C++ Classifiers Informatyka Analiza danych Data Mining Gantt Project Network Technology Security Engineering Security Systems Integration Software Business Praca w zespole Team Managment Zarządzanie Projektami, Certyfikat Prince 2



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project leader
NASK - Research and Academic Computer Network
Project NECOMA (Nippon-European Cyberdefense-Oriented Multilayer threat Analysis) – modern global scale system provides tools to detection and prevention intrusions from the Internet. The international project dedicated to design and implement powerful tools to malware attack defense.
- Collaboration with Cert Poland and Department of Software Development
- Responsibility for design and implementation of innovatory system for malicious software campaigns identification
- Responsibility for adaptation machine learning and data mining techniques
- Cooperation with NECOMA consortium consists of five European Teams and partners from Japan
Q33 - Training Company
Leading the Android - Designing the application for mobile systems and ArchiCAD – Introduction to 3D designing professional courses destined for new employees from IT and constructions area.
- Development of plans of courses, selection of interesting issues and advertising through the company website
- Leadership of courses in small groups (15-20 people)
Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences
Research focused on designing, implementing and testing the system to oxygenation of blood in human brain to elaborate non-invasive method to be used in medical diagnosis for patients with failure of a cardiovascular system.
- Management of work of 3-researcheres under technical project
- Responsibility for efficient NIRS system functioning, data processing and cooperation with partnership institutes: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin and Medical University of Warsaw
- Organization of seminars and meetings with researchers
General Electric
Technical English Translator
Translations of new Control Panels Manuals on behalf of GE Security - division of General Electric Inc's GE Enterprise Solutions with offices in Brussels. UTC Fire & Security is the international organization with Office in 27 countries
Gdansk University of Technology
Research was based on using optical methods which can be useful in medical diagnosis.
- Management of work of 2-Ph.D. students and supervision of 4-students under their diploma thesis and group projects
- Responsibility for results of measurements, data processing and publishing the results in well-known journals: Acta Physica of Polonica, Optoelectronics Review, Materials Science Poland, ect.
- Execution of the work under the project co-funded by the European Union, successful application for grants from FNP, NCBiR, NCN, and obtaining the consent of the bio-ethics committee to measurements on human’s blood
Military Institution “ Wojskowe Zakłady Uzbrojenia S.A.”
Training program focused on elaboration and implementation of optical methods used in modernization process of weapons and equipments used by the Polish Armed Forces and by the armed forces of Poland’s allies.
- Enlargement of specialization knowledge based on military applications
- Recognition of principles in industry company
- Direct contact with optoelectronics application in thermo-vision systems and optical rangefinders used

Szkolenia i kursy

- PROJECT MANAGEMENT AT A GLANCE – professional training in project management
- PRINCE 2 Foundation Certificate – international certificate in methodology of project management
- SPIRENT TEST CENTER – powerful solutions to test application-aware network infrastructures


Informatics, doktorat
System Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Elecetronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, doktoranckie
Gdansk University of Technology
Electronics and Telecommunications, magisterskie
Gdansk University of Technology


Badania i rozwój
Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse
Badania i rozwój
Zarządzanie badaniami i rozwojem
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie IT


- volleyball
- history
- travelling




Clinical Research & badania medyczne
Clinical Research & badania medyczne
Grupa dla wszystkich badaczy, lekarzy, naukowców i ludzi biznesu związanych pośrednio i bezpośrednio z medycyną
Darmowe szkolenia
Darmowe szkolenia
Po prostu wymiana informacji na temat darmowych szkoleń..
doktoranci i doktorzy, doktorat
doktoranci i doktorzy, doktorat
Forum wymiany informacji dla doktorantów i doktorów. Wszystkie kierunki. doktoranci i doktorzy, prace doktorskie,habilitacja,przewód,metodologia badawcza, doktorat, nauka polska,
Fundacja Rozwoju Nauki
Fundacja Rozwoju Nauki
dla miłośników nauki i naukowców wszystkich specjalności
Śródmieście Players
Śródmieście Players
Grupa składająca się z siatkówkowych nałogowców grających na śródmieściu ;)
Zarządzanie Projektami
Zarządzanie Projektami
Celem grupy jest upowszechnienie idei zarządzania poprzez projekty oraz wzajemna wymiana doświadczeń.