Magdalena Narloch

Rekruter w Intel Corporation
Sopot, pomorskie


Assessment Center Zarządzanie wydajnością Doradztwo zawodowe Ścieżka kariery Zarządzanie zmianą Coaching Stosunki pracownicze Employer Branding Executive Coaching konsulting HR Tworzenie polityk HR Human Resources Leadership Development Rozwój organizacyjny Zarządzanie personelem Rekrutacja Planowanie sukcesji Wyławianie talentów zarządzanie talentami Szkolenie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Recruiter / GER SSC Training Lead
My role is to plan and implement sourcing/staffing activities across GER to allocate the best and brightest employees while continuing to strengthen the company's culture and values.My everyday tasks include:

- close cooperation with hiring managers, beeing an expert in terms of hiring policy and procedures, compansation, benefits, recruitment, international hiring, transfers, relocations and promotions;
- responsibility for championing diversity candidate placement;
- offer recommendations to the business group managers on starting salaries for internal and external candidates, offer generation and offer delivery as well as influencing offer acceptance decisions,
- managing various process and tools around commissions schemes, benefits, stock programs, relocation, and immigration hiring processes, within and across geographies;
- engaging with hiring managers to understand, influence, help develop, and-when necessary-challenge the requirements of open positions;
- searching, screening and evaluating candidates for currently open and future positions;
- help familiarize candidates with the positions and teams they're pursuing, as well as the culture, values, and career-boosting benefits of Intel and ensure a smooth and professional candidate experience from start to finish;
- responsibility for the compliance & eligibility checks and data analysis.

In addition to Recruiter role, I'm also Training Lead for Staffing team. It means that I'm responsible for designing development programs and delivering internal trainings, new joiners integration, trainings coordination, evaluation and ensuring together with Staff Managers that the whole team have (or will have) all desired skills to be the best consultants for our business and candidates.
Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o.
Staffing Intern
- planning and implementation of sourcing/ staffing activities across GER to allocate qualified candidates for intern, graduate and experienced positions,
- support of different hiring activities in GER as well as support of screening candidates for eligibility;
- offering consultation, offer generation and offer delivery as well managing various process and tools around commissions schemes, benefits, stock programs, relocation, and immigration hiring processes, within and across geographies;
- responsibility for the compliance & eligibility checks and data analysis.
HR & Marketing Assistant
Adar Spedition
- support brand manager in various marketing camaign aspects and crafting social media strategies,
- participation in creation of internal and external strategy,
- responsibility for internal communication, trainings, workshops, events,
- support HR department in coordinating the recruitment process (screening applications, interviews, AC)
- responsibility for creating great candidate experience and building strong employer brand.
Recruitment and Selection Specialist (Intership)
Want Sp. z o.o.
- creation of candidat profile, job description,
- lead the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position,
- creating and posting job adverts, selection of incoming applications,
- review applicants through interview to evaluate if they meet the position requirements,
Marketing Manager Assistant
Online Media Advisory Ltd.
Erasmus Intership
- organization and assistance in buisness meetings
- support events organization
- media planning and buying
- website development and administration, translation of content
- ensure clear and consistent brand communication
Junior Brand Manager
Baby Universe
English as the language of communication at work (US employer)
- ensure clear and consistent strategic brand messaging/communication
- promotions and events organization, customer service and support
- contact with retailers and PR companies, bloggers,
- sale B2B, preparing and negotiating contracts, taking care of relations, coordinating and controlling work of retailers,
- trainings for sales teams
- consumer behaviour and trends analysis
- development and execution of marketing strategy and market research, pricing, advertising and promotion of the company brands and products
- office administration responsibilites, creating documents and contracts
Marketing and Sales Assistant (Internship)
- responsibility for marketing reasearch, preparing and negotiating contracts,
- organization and realisation of contracts,
- finding and contact new clients


Psychologia Organizacji , Zarządzania i Marketingu oraz Psychologia Międzykulturowa i Psychologia Rodzaju, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Gdański
Archeologia, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Gdański


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
HR Business Partnering
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Komunikacja marketingowa


Uniwersytet Gdański
Uniwersytet Gdański
Studia na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim to konkurencyjność na rynku pracy. Pożądane wśród pracodawców kierunki studiów, praktyczne umiejętności dzięki nowoczesnym pracowniom oraz stażom.
Agencje Reklamowe
Agencje Reklamowe
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Brand Manager Club
Brand Manager Club
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Business Marketing
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.
Darmowe szkolenia
Darmowe szkolenia
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Identyfikacja & Branding
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Klub Kreatywnych
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Marketing Internetowy
Marketing Internetowy
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Marketing sieciowy - MLM
Marketing sieciowy - MLM
Grupa łącząca osoby, które interesują się MLM.
Grupa dla tych, co nie tylko korzystają z mediów, ale także interesują się tym, co się w nich dzieje.