Magdalena Morawiecka

ITSCM - DR Leader
Gdańsk, pomorskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Bank BPH
TCO Manager
As a Project Manager I conducted TCO Project which succeed in establishment of TCO Model and TCO process. TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is a model of IT cost distribution among IT Services created in the tree of decomposition in CMDB (Configuration Management Data Base).
Model differs 4 types of costs:
-External services,
Each cost may be shown separately, from infrastructural services threw application services and business services up to product lines. Model addresses 100% of given costs.

Flexibility of the tool enables to prepare:
- monthly reports
- post factum reports (quarterly, annually)
- simulate future projects and budgeting
- monthly reports of actuals allow to truck cost trends and to steer the cost of, eg. particular external services.
- vendor’s services simulation and assessment whether it’s services are workable.
- possibility to design a report to investigate how future costs of vendor’s activities for existing services change cost burden of individual services and up to product lines.
- model allows to simulate savings from retirement of services, applications and particular business lines.
Bank BPH
IT Service Continuity Manager - DR Leader
Responsible for:
- DR test conduction
- Cooperation with Corporate Staff
- Cooperation with processes: BCM, IM, PM, ChM, Project Mgmt, ConfMgmt
- Risk analysis, test recommendation, BIA and SOX requirements
- DR Procedures & DR Plan maintenance
- CMDB data for ITSCM maintenance and Critical CIs relations monitoring
- Cooperation with business units in order to indicate IT solutions
Bank BPH
Chief Specialist of Outsourcing Processes and Debt Sales
Debt Sales.
Responsible for:
- sales portfolio preparation
- auction conduction
- documentation processing and management (agreements, attachments and anexes)
- accounts services
- providing high quality services for Purchasers - quick responses for inquires

Responsible for:
- auction preparation and conduction
- documentation processing and management (agreements and other)
- maintenance of outsourcing services - data updates, responses for inquires, incoming post.
- in replacement - agreements on invoices
Business Continuity Leader for OPS
Bank BPH,GE Capital Group
Updated BIA tool
Conducted BC&DR tests for MCA
Updated contingency plans in all OPS Departments
Conducted BCM awareness campaign and test
Took a part in new BCM Policy and Strategy establishmen
GE Money Bank
Business Continuity& Crisis Management Leader
Prepared easy and user friendly tool to gather BIA data;
Conducted business wide BIA analysis and analyzed data to establish Mission Critical Application List including SOX requirements;
Searched for solutions allowing to maintain business continuity;
Indicated operational risks in critical processes and researched for possible solutions to resolve possible problems after the risk occures;
Developed contingency plans for mission critical processes and others;
Used to take a part in reputation management in uncommon situations;
Early warnings;
Crisis management and response;
Incident management;
Elaborated and conducted consolidated BC&DR tests;
Worked-out solutions increasing employees safety;
Enforced and developed procedures and contingency plans;

Szkolenia i kursy

Change Acceleration Process (GE Crotonville)
Agile Project Management Foundation Examination (APMG)
ITIL Intermediate - Planning, Protection and Optimisation (APMG)
ITIL Service Design Intermediate (APMG)
ITIL Foundation v3 (APMG)

Horse riding certified instructor,
Silver equestrian badge


Zarządzanie Finansami, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu im. E. Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni


horse riding, positive dog training, sports


GE Volunteers, GE Women's Network


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GRUPA specjalistów, sympatyków i pasjonatów teorii oraz praktyki PRAWA PRACY i UBEZPIECZEŃ SPOŁECZNYCH czyli przede wszystkim ludzie od KADR, PŁAC, ZUS-u i PODATKÓW osobist
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Psychologia biznesu.
Wszystko co chciałeś wiedzieć, ale nie wiedziałeś, kogo o to zapytać.