Maciej Łazowski

Senior CRM Consultant
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior Customer Relationship Management Consultant
ML Project
1. I work with managers to identify processes in sales and customer service.
2. I translate processes into solutions.
3. Finally I implement solutions using appropriate tools as Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.

My last project aimed at automating business-critical processes of a governmental agency thus increasing efficiency and providing transparency in its operation.
To accomplish these goals I utilized flexibility of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

We built a system with custom-tailored functionality, which also included an Internet portal used by UAE citizens to apply for public services online.
Toastmasters International
Active member and former Vice President Public Relations
Toastmasters International is the world's largest volunteer organization devoted to helping people improve their communication and leadership skills.

Our mission as a Warsaw Club club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member of Toastmasters Polska has the opportunity to develop and practise communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

My aim as Vice President Public Relations was to communicate our message to the outside world.
Customer Relationship Management Consultant
I realized 15+ projects boosting marketing and sales effectiveness of companies in industries such as financial services, insurance, marketing services, professional services and real estate acting as a Consultant, Business Analyst and/or Project Manager.

I have achieved these objectives by making use of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0/4.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2003/2007 as system platforms and leveraging technologies as .NET 3.0, SQL 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and Web 2.0 technologies such as AJAX and Windows Workflow Foundation.

1. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in manufacturing sector, 5 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst and consultant.
2. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in insurance sector, 100 end-users, 2 projects, marketing department and company-wide. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
3. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in insurance sector, 30 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst, consultant.
4. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in advertisement sector, 30 end-users, sales department. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
5. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in real estate sector, 15 end-users, sales department. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
6. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in financial services sector, 10 end-users, sales department. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
7. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in information technology sector, 10 end-users, sales, marketing and customer service departments. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
8. MS CRM 3.0 implementation in consulting sector, 10 end-users, sales, department. Roles: project manager, analyst, consultant.
9. Intranet portal implementation utilizing SharePoint Server 2007 in insurance sector, 20 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst, consultant.
10. Intranet portal implementation utilizing SharePoint Portal 2003 in financial services sector, 10 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst, project manager.
11. Intranet portal implementation utilizing SharePoint Server 2007 in financial services sector, 10 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst, project manager.
12. Intranet portal implementation utilizing SharePoint Server 2007 in insurance sector, 500 end-users, company-wide. Analysis phase. Roles: business analyst.
13. Intranet portal implementation utilizing SharePoint Server 2007 in in manufacturing sector, 500 end-users, company-wide. Roles: business analyst.
14. Data warehouse implementation utilizing MS SQL Server 2005 in pharmaceutical sector. Roles: analyst.
15. MS CRM 4.0 implementation in manufacturing sector, 5 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst and consultant.
16. MS CRM 4.0 implementation in professional services sector, 5 end-users, sales department. Roles: analyst and consultant.

Szkolenia i kursy

Microsoft Business Management Solutions Professional

MS 8019 Microsoft CRM Applications Certificate, Microsoft Poland 2007.

MS 8020 Microsoft CRM Customization Certificate, Microsoft Poland 2007.

Microsoft Office Groove, Microsoft Poland 2007. Training.

Microsoft Office Performance Point Server, Microsoft Poland 2007. Training.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Integral Techn. Poland 2007. Training.

Methodology of Implementation of an Integrated Management System – Value SAP, SAP Polska 2005. Course.

MS 2710 Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures, course, Microsoft Poland 2005. Course.

MS 2559 Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming with Microsoft .NET, course, Microsoft Poland 2005. Course.

MS 2074 Designing and Implementing OLAP Solutions Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000, course, Microsoft Poland 2005. Course.

MS 2073 Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database, course, Microsoft Poland 2004. Course.

Active Member (former Vice-President Public Relations) at Toastmasters International, Warsaw Chapter with Competent Communicator award.

Driving license since 1995. Extensive practise in driving.


Management Information Systems, studia podyplomowe
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Management and Marketing, magisterskie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie




Psychology, ethology, young Polish literature, contemporary and classical music, traveling, getting to know new places and cultures.


Microsoft Partner Program,
Toastmasters International,


My profile at LinkedIn:

Public performances:
CRM Academy, Microsoft Poland 2007 and 2008. I led both events.

How to better control sales and service with CRM, Microsoft Poland 2007. I led the whole event.

How to implement CRM? Best practices review, Teleinfo Poland 2007. I had a lecture at the conference.

CRM Solutions in Corporate Banking, Microsoft Poland 2007. I had a lecture at the conference.

Microsoft Partner Sales Academy, Microsoft Poland 2007.
I led a training at the conference.

Zachęcam do kontaktu na GoldenLine osoby zainteresowane wdrożeniami systemów CRM i inne osoby pasjonujące się tą tematyką. Oczywiście zapraszam także inne osoby, z którymi miałem przyjemność się wcześniej poznać.


16 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
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Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Grupa zrzeszająca członków i sympatyków klubów Toastmasters w Polsce i nie tylko ...