Grzegorz Karczewski

Specjalista ds Zakupów Narzędzi, Whirlpool
Wrocław, dolnośląskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Tool & Equipment Buyer
Specjalista ds. Zakupów Narzędzi
- Acquisition of the stamping tools and injection moulds.
- BCC/LCC Sourcing.
- Suitable supplier identification & order placement. Review tooling design & communication with suppliers to finalize & approve design.
- Project management to assure its lead time.
- Final tool reception & inspection at the supplier facility ( Asia & Europe).
- Following the Global Projects with global team, from supplier selection to the implementation phase.
LG Electronics
Starszy Specjalista ds Zakupów
- In charge of the metal tools and injection moulds.
- Project management to assure its lead time.
- Receiving new moulds and testing in the potential production supplier. Communicate with supplier about the mass production on those moulds.
- First contact when the break down happened during production.
- Solving the problems to avoid the production stop.
- Searching for the new supplier for the metal and plastic moulds.
- Order parts for the production – analyzes the warehouse stock and control the procurement
Specjalista ds. narzędzi tłoczniczych na rynek zagraniczny
- Serve as manager and report to top management.
- Draft technical proposal on new stamping tools.
- Suitable supplier identification & order placement. Review tooling design & communication with suppliers to finalize & approve design.
- Project management to assure its lead time.
- Final tool reception & inspection at the supplier facility ( Asia & Europe).
- Trouble shooting on stamping tools at FagorMastercook, Wroclaw, Poland
Technolog na wydziale tłoczni
- Assist to draft technical proposal on new stamping tools.
- Starting cooperation with Chinese toolshops
- Project management to assure its lead time.
- Final reception on stamping tool at the site of supplier.
- Assist during receptions of the tools in China suppliers
- Trouble shooting on stamping tool at FagorMastercook, Wroclaw, Poland
Konstruktor - Stażysta


Polsko - Amerykańska Szkoła Biznezu, studia podyplomowe
Politechnika Wrocławska
Wydział Mechaniczny - Procesy, maszyny i systemy produkcyjne, magisterskie
Politechnika Wrocławska






Biznes Azja Chiny
Biznes Azja Chiny
Chiny. Import z Chin, produkcja w Chinach. V-Trust: kontrola jakości w Chinach, usługi inspekcyjne w Chinach, obsługa importu z Chin
Chiny Państwo Środka Wyzwanie XXI wieku
Chiny Państwo Środka Wyzwanie XXI wieku
Chiny, ich rozwój i wpływ na resztę świata.