Grzegorz Adamowicz

Twórca, autor, SRE/DevOps, przedsiębiorca
Szczecin, zachodniopomorskie


Event Management Jenkins MySQL PHP Project Management Python Ruby Scrum Subversion Technical Writing Wordpress XML Zarządzanie zespołem Agile Administracja Bazami Danych Rozwój osobisty Gerrit



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Cloud Solutions Engineer
Senior Consultant
Technology Minimalists
Running projects around Open Source and education:
- Szczecin on Technologies (SzoT) - workshops for beginners -
- DevOps and cloud solutions workshops
- Consulting regarding cloud migration strategy
- Planning cloud migration and executing
- IT Processes automation
Lemon Demon Sp. z o.o.
Cloud Solutions Engineer, Cloud Architect
Planning and implementing deployment of existing applications into AWS cloud.

Technology stack:
- Docker, Docker Compose
- Jenkins
- Terraform
- Packer
- AWS: RDS, S3, EC2, ElasticSearch Service, ElastiCache, Route53
Cloud Solutions Engineer, Cloud Architect
HRS Innovation Hub
The HRS Group is Europe's best established brand catering accommodation and hospitality in leisure and business travel. With 40 years of B2B hotel expertise HRS optimizes content and distribution of more than 300.000 individual hotels and chains worldwide.

HRS Innovation Hub is forcused on connecting the corporate assets of the HRS Group with the dynamic vim and vigor of startup teams to maximize the impact of innovation. Therefore provides developer and venture acceleration programs.

We're building applications in microservices architecture driven heavily by AWS platform.

- Cloud Formation, Terraform
- Packer
- Amazon services: ECS, CloudWatch, S3, CloudFront, Lambda, API Gateway, Elasticsearch, Redis, RDS (Postgres)
- Spring Boot
- NodeJS, React.js
- ELK stack (log shipping/analysis)
- Elasticsearch (search engine implementation)
- Bamboo CI, Gitlab
System Engineer
kaufDA - Bonial Internatioan Group GmbH, Berlin, Niemcy
The Group belongs to Axel Springer SE, the leading digital publisher in Europe, and has been offering professional solutions for high street retail in the area of location-based services since the start-up of kaufDA in 2008 and as an innovation engine defines the future of digital circular advertising. In only six years the group was able to become an internationally leading network for location-based brochure advertising.

Technologies used: Grails, Postgresql, Java, Spring boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Rest, TET, Puppet, Gradle, Icinga, AWS, Spring Batch, MongoDB, Solr, Ganeti, Atlassian application stack including JIRA and Confluence, Puppet on close to 500 machines, Terraform, Jenkins, Packer

Application monitoring: Datadog, Dynatrace, multiple Icinga installations

Primary OS is Debian GNU/Linux

What was my role:
- setting up new servers/VMs
- helping with deplotment process
- internal trainings/knowledge sharing
- helping in improving internal processes including deployent
- working on Puppet code, adding new features
- creating PoC before deciding on deployment to AWS
- review of an APM
- planning, deployment and maintenance of Dynatrace
- resolving communication problems
- maintenance of existing Asterisk installation
- maintenance of existing network infrastructure (mainly Cisco devices)
System administrator
deltamethod GmbH
Freelance job

Working on:
- Bacula backups
- Nagios/Icinga monitoring
- MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL maintenance
- KVM virtualization solution
- Debian servers maintenance
PHP Developer
Enovation Solutions, LTD
- plugins development
- preparing special Moodle modifications for client
- deployment and migration
- upgrading sites from Moodle 1.9 to 2.5
- client technical support

Working on internal projects: automation, deployment procedures.
Lifehacker Polska
Creating new content and hacking reality.
Nordic Consulting & Development Company
System/Network Administrator
- Maintenance and support of Linux and Windows based servers
- Oracle database 10gR2 based solutions/software maintenance and support (Windows/Linux)
- Oracle application servers (incl. Forms&Reports) setup, maintenance and client support
- TIA application implementation and maintenance
- Virtualization solutions (VMWare/VirtualBox) setup/maintenance
- Backup setup, maintenance, implementation (Bacula, Oracle RMAN, NTBackup)
- Network administration
- Web applications maintenance (Apache/Tomcat)
- Mail server setup/maintenance
- Monitoring planning, implementation and maintenance under Windows and Linux (ActiveXperts Network monitor, Nagios with additional software)
- Planning, integrating and maintenance of OpenLDAP server for many services (including imap, smtp, svn, cvs, xmpp)
- 24x7 customer support
- Programming: sh/bash (+sed/awk), Perl, Python, PHP5 (OOP), JS

See latest updates on my LinkedIN profile:
System Administrator
Future Solution Grupa Lakron
- Administration, maintenance and backups of Novell/Windows Servers
- Administrating of Symfonia (Pervasive/btrieve), Płatnik (MSSQL/Access) databases and application.
- Technical support (including client support) etc.
- Improving existing network infrastructure
- Smerf application support/maintenance (based on DOS/btrieve application for "housing community")
- Webdevelopment support for w3c compatibility and performance


Edukacja Techniczno-Informatyczna, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


IT - Administracja
Administrowanie systemami
IT - Administracja
Zarządzanie usługami
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista PHP




Rozwój osobisty
Rozwój osobisty
Dla tych, co już znaleźli i dla tych, co właśnie szukają. Siebie.