Piotr Sobota

Piotr Sobota www.glycine.pl,

Temat: SWISS MADE - co to znaczy...

Myslę, że rozwieję teraz wątpliwości.
To często cytowane słowa Pana Bolzli, członka zarządu FHS i Dyretora Generalnego Aerowatch S.A.
Swiss law is very specific on what points of origin and assembly are permissible in watches that are labeled "Swiss Made." In specific, the law
requires that the assembly work on the movement and on the watch itself (fitting the movement with the dial, hands and the various parts of the case) should be carried out in Switzerland, along with the final testing of the movement. It also requires that at least 50% of the components of the movement should be manufactured in Switzerland.

So it is permissible for the movements in Swiss watches to contain a minority portion of parts made outside Switzerland. But the majority of movement parts must come from Switzerland AND and the entire movement and watch must be entirely assembled in Switzerland.

The watch casing and separate or detachable items, such as watch bracelets, do not have to be manufactured in Switzerland. But the "foreign" parts must be delivered to Switzerland unassembled, with actual assembly of them into a watch occurring on Swiss soil.

Other provisions allow for watches where the movement meets the criteria, but the watch is assembled outside of Switzerland to be labeled "Swiss Movement" on the dial. The abbreviation "Swiss Movt" is strictly prohibited, because to someone without superior vision or a magnifier, such a dial label could easily be mistaken for reading "Swiss Made.

Dla nieznających angielskiego słowa:
It also requires that at least 50% of the components of the movement should be manufactured in Switzerland.
świadczą, że ewidentnie chodzi o ilość części.Piotr Sobota edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.01.11 o godzinie 21:38

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Temat: SWISS MADE - co to znaczy...

Ale swajcarskie prawo obowiązuje tylko w Szwajcarii. Jeśli będę pisała na tarczy swiss movt to co mi zrobią?
Marcin D.

Marcin D. Audyt - Szkolenia -
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Temat: SWISS MADE - co to znaczy...

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Ale swajcarskie prawo obowiązuje tylko w Szwajcarii. Jeśli będę pisała na tarczy swiss movt to co mi zrobią?

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