Temat: Szkolenia HFI w Polsce w 2010

Kursy otwarte w Polsce w 2010:
Lokalizacja: Simply User, ul. Lwowska 17/4a, Kraków

1. User-Centered Analysis and Conceptual Design - 23.03-25.03.2010

2. The Science and Art of Effective Web and Application Design - 18.05-20.05.2010

3. Practical Usability Testing - 29.06-30.06.2010

4. Putting Research into Practice - 28.09-29.09.2010

5. How to Design for Persuasion, Emotion, and Trust - 30.11-02.12.2010

Maxymalna iloś 12 osób
rejestraca: http://humanfactors.com/training/schedulePoland.asp
lub simplyuser.pl/.
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