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Temat: NASA potwierdza zimną fuzję

Proszę Pana - właśnie byłem na stronie NASA i NIKT ale to NIKT słówkiem się nie zająknął o TAK
Powinni o tym TRĄBIĆ... !!

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Temat: NASA potwierdza zimną fuzję

Rafał F.:
Proszę Pana - właśnie byłem na stronie NASA i NIKT ale to NIKT słówkiem się nie zająknął o TAK

...bo go nie bylo - wkleilem to w watku o homeopatii, do ktorego jakism cudem P. Zbigniew przemycil informacje o tzw. zimnej fuzji

Jak w kawale o Wolgach na Placu Czerwonym...

Dr Zawodny powiedzial:

"There have been many attempts to twist the release of this video into NASA’s support for LENR or as proof that Rossi’s e-cat really works. Many extraordinary claims have been made in 2010. In my scientific opinion, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I find a distinct absence of the latter. So let me be very clear here. While I personally find sufficient demonstration that LENR effects warrant further investigation, I remain skeptical. Furthermore, I am unaware of any clear and convincing demonstrations of any viable commercial device producing useful amounts of net energy.

So what does extraordinary evidence look like? As a trained scientist, I have been taught the historical standards for acceptance of experimental results or theories. Experiments and theories go hand-in-hand in what is known as the scientific method. Both must be independently tested, replicated, or verified. As a minimum, experimental results must be replicated by an objective and independent party. The nature of the test or replication needs to adhere to the spirit of the original experiment but, should be under the full design, implementation, and control of the independent tester. So, if a device is claimed to be capable of producing excess heat by nature of its operation (i.e., the consumption of fuel via a nuclear process), it must be operated properly. The way power input and power output are measured should be left up to the independent tester. This is standard scientific practice. What would take this to the next level (extraordinary evidence) would be to have the test be an open public test. The nature of the test and specific approach to executing the test should be made public. The conduct of the test should be open to additional 3rd party experts. And finally, the data should be publicly released. Further peer review of all aspects of the independent test is a must. Community consensus is the ultimate goal. Every attempted demonstration of a LENR device that I am aware of has failed to meet one or more of these criteria.

Wiec nikt nie potwierdzil zimnej fuzji.

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Temat: NASA potwierdza zimną fuzję

W tej sytuacji prosimy o zajęcie stanowiska przez założyciela FORUM !
Zachodzi bowiem podejrzenie manipulacji i fałszowania danych biorąc pod uwagę dobra osobiste
NASA i innych organizacji jesteśmy narażeni na roszczenia prawne osób trzecich...

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Temat: NASA potwierdza zimną fuzję

Plasma fusion becomes a reality?


Scientists in a New Jersey laboratory say they are close to a major breakthrough in the field of fusion that they predict will soon allow for an unlimited source of the cheapest, cleanest and safest energy ever.

Researchers at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics in Middlesex, NJ have published the results of their recent work in the Physics of Plasmas journal last week, and expect one of their next rounds of testing to finally tackle an issue of energy procurement that would rival anything already available. In their latest breakthrough, fusion researchers at the lab say that they’ve successfully heated and confined an ionized gas at record temperatures which would be high enough to allow for the nuclear fusion of certain elements, including hydrogen and boron. Those elements double as aneutronic fuels — that is, they produce no neutrons during the fusion process — and could thus be quickly converted to electricity without using the expensive and dangerous conversion measures currently available. Scientists say they believe they are close to a breakthrough that will allow them to harness energy from the elements and thus work with an energy source more marketable than anything now available.

According to the scientists, they have identified and emulated two of the three conditions necessary to show energy production with aneutronic fuels. Eric Lerner, a chief scientist for Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, says that figuring out the temperature and confinement necessary for the fusion have been established in their research, and that once the team can determine the necessary conditions for the third variable — density — they will be able to harness energy from plasma.

“We are still far from having sufficient density in the tiny hot regions to get net energy, but that is our next goal,” Lerner says in a press release on the research.

To RT, fellow Lawrenceville researcher Derek Shannon adds, “We are working on the third criterion, density, now, with the goal of demonstrating full scientific feasibility this year.” Shannon also predicts that the research coming out of the New Jersey lab could put the groups as far as decade ahead of competing projects that aim to introduce manageable fusion fuels.

Shannon also believes that by successfully harnessing aneutronic fuels into energy, dangerous and dirty nuclear energy could soon be a thing of the past. Lawrenceville is also in the midst of a Fusion for Peace campaign, and claim that “aneutronic nuclear energy itself could be the path to nuclear disarmament.”

Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: NASA potwierdza zimną fuzję

O ile urządzenie, które wymienione zostało w pierwszym poście to raczej "zmyłka", o tyle eksperymenty Lernera są ogólnie znane i ciekawe, np. w 2011 miał prezentację na konferencji Plasma w Warszawie).

Urzędzenia, którymi się zajmuje - (dense) plasma focusy wypadły z "mainstreamu" jakiś czas temu, kiedy okazało się, że wyjście neutronowe (świadczące o efektywności reakcji termojądrowych) nie skaluje się z czwartą potęgą prądu jak to początkowo przypuszczało.

W instytucie mamy takie urządzenie, jedno z największych w świecie i zaręczam, że eksperymenty na nim to nie są "rurki z kremem", tylko kawał ciężkiej, rzetelnej i interesującej nauki (chociaż w tej chwili b. mało zajmuję się nimi bezpośrednio, może wkrótce więcej).

Tak czy inaczej - wyniki Lernera są na pewno ciekawe (prezentację można sobie ściągnąć ze strony Plasmy - http://www2.ipj.gov.pl/pl/plasma2011/programme1.html i dalej "Oral Presentations" i O-3.6, pośród prezentacji jest nawiasem mówiąc taka, w której palce maczał "truly yours" - O-2.2), ale do opanowania fuzji taką czy inną metodą to chyba jednak jeszcze kawałek.

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