Temat: Five Important Days of Diwali Celebration

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India is a country which is better recognized for its cultures and traditions. The country enjoys many special days of celebrations and the festival of Diwali is one amongst the favorite moments to share love and happiness. The festival denotes love and happiness. It is the moment of time when everyone comes closer and celebrates the merriment of the event. Now, the big question that rises here is why the festival of Diwali so prominent in India. What is the significance of Diwali? Diwali is one of the longest celebrated festivals in India.
The annual gala of Diwali lasts for five long days. Schools give long vacations and offices are close for Diwali because each and every day of the festival is significant. If you are unaware about the significant five days long celebration of Diwali then we will elaborate it here in the most convenient manner. If you think that Diwali means Diwali only then you are wrong there are four other important days that are as significant as the festival and which gives a joint identity to the festival. Following are the five days of festivity of Diwali.
Dhanteras or Dhanvantari Triyodashi: This is the day of wealth and prosperity. This is first day of celebration of Diwali. Dhanteras is also called as Dhanvantari Triyodashi because Dhanvantari the god of medicine incarnated from Samundra Manthan on this day. Other than this the day is considered lucky to change the balance sheets of businessman.
Choti Diwali or Narak Chaturdashi: As per the epic stories Krishna the eight avatar of Lord Vishnu killed demon king Narkasur who has increased complications and problems to the people of the earth, on the day of choti Diwali. From that day choti Diwali is celebrated as Narak Chaturdashi.
Diwali or Laxmi Pooja: The festival of Diwali is dedicated for Laxmi pooja. Laxmi the deity of wealth and prosperity is believed to be incarnated on the earth during churning of sea on the day of Kartika Amavasya. Hence to welcome her on earth a special pooja is offered to her on the night of Diwali.
Govardhan Pooja: Govardhan is a pious mountain, which was said to be carried by Lord Krishna in his pinky finger. The day after Diwali is hence celebrated as Govardhan pooja. In Maharashtra the day is celebrated as Padwa.
Bhaiya Dooj: This is a day dedicated for siblings. On this day, brother visits sister’s house along with gifts. She marks tilak on his forehead and pray for his long life. The celebration of Bhaiya Dooj is dedicated on the story of Yam and Yamuna who were both brother and sister.
These are the five very prominent days of Diwali celebration. These pretty occasions make the festival even more colorful and beautiful. To mark the grand celebration of Diwali people convey wishes to their loved ones through Diwali gifts. It is the big celebration of festival that brings hearts closer together and forever.