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Temat: Tomasz Witkowski wyzywa na pojedynek NLP-erów z całego...

Thirty-Five Years of Research on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP Research Data Base. State of the Art or Pseudoscientific Decoration? - to tytuł artykułu, który ukazał się w "Polish Psychological Bulletin" (http://versita.metapress.com/content/r55252v70360752/?... oficjalnym czasopiśmie Komitetu Badań Psychologicznych PAN.
więcej na: http://tomaszwitkowski.pl
Artur Król

Artur Król Profil nieaktywny,
proszę o kontakt
mailowy. Psycholog,

Temat: Tomasz Witkowski wyzywa na pojedynek NLP-erów z całego...

Artykuł Witkowskiego został już dawno obalony przez brytyjskiego psychologa Andrew Bradbury'ego, http://www.bradburyac.mistral.co.uk/witkowski.html

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Andrew Bradbury

Andrew Bradbury Owner, Andrew

Temat: Tomasz Witkowski wyzywa na pojedynek NLP-erów z całego...

Hi Urszula

That is what Mr Witkowki SAYS he is doing. But is his invitation genuine?

Mr Witkowski is suggesting a "duel" - but what is the point of a fight? Either Mr Witkowski's article is correct (in each claim) or it is not. There is nothing to fight about, only a chance for discussion.

Mr Witkowski says he is offering a "challenge". But he sets a limit on what he will accept in reply.

Is he suggesting that the PPB will publish every article submitted which contradicts his article? I don't think so.

So where is the real challenge?

Mr Witkowski is not really inviting a discussion - he is clearly trying to make it look as though he will debate the subject whilst in reality he is trying to make it impossible for anyone who supports NLP-related ideas to take part in the debate.

After reading Mr Witkowski's article in December last year I wrote to him to ask what his academic status was (this is something I like to include in my reviews of articles that criticise the FoNLP (see http://www.bradburyac.mistral.co.uk/nlpfax28.htm)) and though he did write back I still have not received that information.
Is it some kind of secret?

On January 7 this year I wrote to Mr Witkowski to tell him that I had written a response to his article and had posted it at a "hidden" URL.

That's the critique that can now be accessed here: http://www.bradburyac.mistral.co.uk/witkowski.html

I invited him to read the article and to tell me if there was anything in it that he thought was unfair or in error before I made it public.

This is something I have done with all of the other authors whose work I have reviewed - except the three who have died since their material was published, and over 90% have written back. And that includes Sharpley, and Heap - the two best-known reviewers of allegedly NLP-related research.

But Mr Witkowski has made no direct reply at all.

Then suddenly he anounces his pseudo-"challenge" - and at the same time makes a hasty retreat behind the protection of the PPB.

The great advantage of the Internet is that it has opened up our ability to communicated all around the world. In the case of Dr Michael Heap, who is featured in Witkowski's article, he and I not only held a discussion of his articles by e-mail - he even accepted an article by me in answer to his articles (1988, 1989, 2008) for publication in his own journal:

But Mr Witkowski seems to use the Internet only in order to promote himself whilst refusing to take part in a genuinely free and open discussion.

The facts surely speak for themselves.Andrew Bradbury edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.03.11 o godzinie 12:26
Artur Król

Artur Król Profil nieaktywny,
proszę o kontakt
mailowy. Psycholog,

Temat: Tomasz Witkowski wyzywa na pojedynek NLP-erów z całego...

Po drodze w dyskusji na blogu wyszło, że rednacz PPB to dobry znajomy Witkowskiego... Nie ma to jak wybranie "neutralnego" terytorium do dyskusji ;)
Andrew Bradbury

Andrew Bradbury Owner, Andrew

Temat: Tomasz Witkowski wyzywa na pojedynek NLP-erów z całego...

Proszę mi wybaczyć, jeśli to wygląda trochę dziwnie - tłumaczenie przez Google:

Mimo że pan Witkowski zdecydował, że nie odpowiedziała na moje uwagi na temat jego artykułu - jeszcze - od ogłosił swoją "wyzwanie" liczba odwiedzin strony na mojej stronie


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