konto usunięte

Temat: Polish for foreigners

Polish for Foreigners
We offer you the best way to learn Polish language
Is it true that Polish is difficult?
No it is not difficult. It is very challenging and as one of my students said. “It is a language for intelligent people”.
Why should you choose our course?
Unlike other schools, PdO offers a course that is prepared according to your needs and request in a way of learning. Teachers will prepare each lesson just for you. Forget about spending your time in a boring and stressful lesson. Forget that Polish is difficult – we will prove you that it is genuinely easy!!!!
What about teachers?
Our instructors are qualified and experienced teachers. They have graduated from the best universities in the country and finished “teaching polish as a foreign language” courses. They are passionate and devoted to their job.
Where the lessons take place?
You do not have to waste your time travelling around the city. We are aware of your busy schedule, so we will travel to your preferred location (your office, etc) for the lesson.
Can I have a flexible lesson plan?
The lesson is available weekday between 7 am and 9 pm or we will work with your schedule. Group lesson is also available.

For more information please contact: polishforforeigners@ymail.com
Course price: 60 zł for 1 lesson (45 min.)
100zł 2 lessons (90 min)