Michał Kędzierski

Michał Kędzierski PR/Marketing Manager

Temat: Monty Python in Its British and International Cultural...

The Department of British Literature and Culture, University of Lodz
is happy to announce that an academic conference in cultural studies
will take place in Lodz on 28 - 29 October 2010

The suggested areas for discussion will include:
- Monty Python's humour
- the language of Monty Python
- the visual poetics of Monty Python programmes and films
- Monty Python and the British tradition of humour
- Monty Python and the idea of Britishness
- Monty Python and stereotypes
- cultural subversion and iconoclasm
- Monty Python and counterculture
- The postmodern contexts for Monty Python
- The influence of Monty Python on British/international culture
- The reception of Monty Python abroad (in Poland and elsewhere)

The conference will take place in the University of Lodz Conference Centre.
The conference fee is 70 euro for foreign scholars and 200 PLN for Polish scholars.

The reviewed selection of essays following the conference will be published.
Abstracts ca. 300 words will be sent by 30 April 2010 to: mpconference@gmail.com

The organizers of the conference are
Prof. Jerzy Jarniewicz
Tomasz Dobrogoszcz, PhD