Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Erlang User Group meeting - 24.04 Dynamic tracing in Erlang

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Dynamic tracing in Erlang - Paweł Chrząszcz
24.04.2014; 18:00

Chętnych prosimy o rejestrowanie się na Meetupie
(Erlang User Group Kraków)

Paweł Chrząszcz will demonstrate how dtrace/systemtap can be used to monitor and debug Erlang systems.

DTrace is a dynamic tracing framework for Solaris, Mac OS X and Free BSD and systemtap is the linux answer to DTrace. These tools allow monitoring and debugging Erlang nodes with minimal overhead and impact on the running system. This allows using them in production environment as well as debugging Erlang VMs that became unresponsive to well-known monitoring and debugging tools like Observer, dbg, eep or etop.

The talk will focus on benefits and challenges of using dynamic tracing with Erlang. There will be a live demo of debugging an unresponsive Ejabberd system. There will also be a discussion about the experimental support for DTrace probes in the Erlang VM and possible ways of improving the current status.

Finally, some new tools will be presented.

http://www.meetup.com/Erlang-User-Group-Krakow/events/...Ten post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.04.14 o godzinie 12:26