Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Darmowe Webinarium - "Thinking like an Erlanger" 29/01/2015

Zapraszamy do udziału w darmowym webinarium prowadzonym przez Torbena Hoffmanna.

How to think like an Erlanger

If you find Erlang is a bit tough, or if testing gives you headaches, this webinar is for you. We will spend most of this intensive session looking at how to design systems with asynchronous message passing between processes that do not share any memory.

The running example is Conway’s Game of Life, which fits Erlang really well and poses some interesting problems in the implementation, that apply to all asynchronous message passing solutions.

Torben Hoffmann is CTO for Erlang Solutions. He has been active in the Erlang community for several years and has spoken at conferences world-wide. His first big Erlang related project was the introduction of Erlang as a technology to write a gateway in for Motorola Solutions in Denmark. Torben studied Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark.