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Temat: swearing parents

Małgorzata Mrożewska:
Thanks for the link, but please add your own comment when starting a discussion :-)

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Temat: swearing parents

Thanks for the article, Malgosia.

The teacher who sent this warning to the parents to clean up their language while they're at the school seems to be reasonable in that matter.

Watch your language in front of him and the other kids, or just don't come to the school, in other words.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: swearing parents

I really try hard not to swear in front of children. In principle, I don't like children being exposed to stuff like that. Swearing is for adults and kids should be left alone to be kids.

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Temat: swearing parents

I tend to swear (in English or Polish) quite a lot but never in front of children. Sometimes you read those posts on parenting forums on the internet, "My 2-year-old son said KURWA DUPA KURWA the other day and it was so hilarious". Yeah, hahaha, really.

My kid goes to preschool. Until last year most of the other children weren't really proficient in Polish :) but it has changed. Yesterday he told his dad to "shut up", and when he heard it was wrong he started crying because, apparently, his classmates use it quite a lot. I'm guessing their parents do too.
Kids are inclined to pick up everything that is "wrong" and if we overreact they will keep using these words and expressions but then again it doesn't mean that telling the kid (a true story from yesterday morning at the school) "zamknij japę, bezmózgi debilu, bo ci kurwa strzelę" is perfectly ok because they will use such words anyway.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: swearing parents

Parents should try to be good role models in order to hope their children will follow.
If you don't want your children to swear, stop swearing, as the first thing.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: swearing parents

I find the teacher's attitude as the correct one.

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