Joanna Sklodowska

Joanna Sklodowska Właściciel /
Nauczycielka języka
polskiego dla

Temat: Polish for Foreigners


Polish language courses for foreigners of all levels:
basic, intermediate and advanced.

For more information please visit my website

Hope to hear from you soon!


Kursy języka polskiego dla cudzoziemców - wszystkie poziomy:
podstawowy, średniozaawansowany, zaawansowany.

Więcej informacji znajdziecie Państwo na mojej stronie internetowej

Do zobaczenia!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Polish for Foreigners

Are you sure that putting it twice into the forum and spamming is enough? I mean, with dedication and all, you might well do it a third time. Heck, even a fourth. Go ahead. Smialo!
Joanna Sklodowska

Joanna Sklodowska Właściciel /
Nauczycielka języka
polskiego dla

Temat: Polish for Foreigners

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Are you sure that putting it twice into the forum and spamming is enough? I mean, with dedication and all, you might well do it a third time. Heck, even a fourth. Go ahead. Smialo!

No clue why my post was doubled, sorry about that.

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Polish for Foreigners

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