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Temat: Native speaker directory

This is shameless self promotion I know, but it can benefit you, so that's why I've put it up.

I've launched a native speaker directory on my website http://nativespeaker.com.pl

If you are a native speaker....
Just fill out the form and you'll be listed on the directory free of charge. Those who I have listed have already gotten an impressive amount of traffic and offers in a very short time.

If you are looking for a native speaker...
The directory is completely free. Just click on the "Find a Native Speaker" link in the menu bar, find one in your area, and send him some info via the contact form provided.

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Temat: Native speaker directory

Out of curiosity Andre, why 'American' native speaker?

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Temat: Native speaker directory

warren whitmore:
Out of curiosity Andre, why 'American' native speaker?

Great question and a simple answer:

The name of my dzialalnosc gosp. is "American Native Speaker" and that was the original purpose of the site: to promote my dzialalnosc.

However, I will be renaming it to "NativeSpeaker.com.pl" in the near future, so if you're british, don't let it discourage you from being listed. ;-)

Temat: Native speaker directory

Very good idea...

Następna dyskusja:

Native Speaker - Wrocław.

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