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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

Lesbos islanders in Greece have gone to court in an attempt to prevent the name lesbians from being used:


Any comments?

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

I thought Keith had gone away for a few days.

This is 'his' kind of thread.

C'mon Keith, whotcha gotta say about this one?

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

And please don't draw attention to the increasing depredations of Altzeimer's on my posting abilities by mentioning the missing 's' in the title.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.05.08 o godzinie 02:42
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

What about the "h" in "Alzheimer's"?

Anyway, I think they can legislate to force name changes all they want, but in Ireland you still order a pint, and men will still dream of lesbian threesomes. And pints.

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

Keith Byrne:
What about the "h" in "Alzheimer's"?

You bastard, Keith.

Are you trying to engineer a complete loss of confidence prior to my penultimate predictions.

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

I think that the UN needs to publish a list of 'fundamental human rights' so that we can have a clear debate as to what exactly they should be.

I didn't realise that embarrassing second meanings of a word describing your regional origins so seriously affected your quality of life.

I don't have any other comment. I've been trying to come up with a pun but have failed miserably.

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

I must say I have some sympathy with the inhabitants of the Greek island.
The fact that their beautiful island is associated with lesbians must be irritating for them.
BTW, if I were a native of the island, would I be a Lesbian, a Lesbosian or a Lesbosy. Does anybody know?
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

If you were from Lesbos, you would indeed be a Lesbian (with a capital L).

If you just practised Sapphic delights here in Warsaw, for example (or Toruń - the gay bars there are packed with brawling dykes for some reason)you would be a plain old lesbian (small l).

Though not necessarily plain or old, of course!Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.05.08 o godzinie 20:14

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Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

Jon M.:
If you were from Lesbos, you would indeed be a Lesbian (with a capital L).

If you just practised Sapphic delights here in Warsaw, for example (or Toruń - the gay bars there are packed with brawling dykes for some reason)you would be a plain old lesbian (small l).

Though not necessarily plain or old, of course!

Jon, is that your answer to my question? I suppose I will still have to check that for myself. Simply cannot believe they are all Lesbians there. Thanks anyhow.

Orl right, you are right (just found the answer in Webster dict.) I think next time I'll try not to use the personal pronoun 'you' in general questions...Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.05.08 o godzinie 20:38

Temat: Lesbos islanders dipute 'gay' name:

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