Temat: International Nursery in Warsaw

Hi, does anyone have any experience with https://itsw.edu.pl/ ? I'm looking for the kindergarten for my kid and since my husband is bilingual (English) we would love the same for our child. :) I heard this place is very good, but I'd love some first-hand feedback. Also, it's trilingual, which is great, but from the other hand... Is it good for a child? Asking for a friend. :P Thank you in advance!Ten post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.12.21 o godzinie 10:22

Temat: International Nursery in Warsaw

Hi, yes! Not in Warsaw though, but my sister's kids go to their kindergarten in Krakow https://itsw.edu.pl/przedszkole-i-zlobek-krakow/ - they love this place! I can't remember myself being as excited about any educational institution as they are. :D They really benefit from the trilingual curriculum too. They soak languages like sponges. <3
Marcel Drozd

Marcel Drozd CEO | Founder,
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Temat: International Nursery in Warsaw

I can totally recommend https://itsw.edu.pl/ in Warsaw as well. :) I'm not sure, have you already enrolled your kid in there, but if not, have no doubts. Learning three languages at once is nothing for a kid. Their brains are like sponges. My daughter goes to their kindergarten, and I'm constantly amazed with how fast she's progressing. We're already reading "Le Petit Nicolas" in the original, because she wanted to see if she'd like it more than the Polish version. :D

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