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Temat: I'm so hot!

Tatiana S.:
Jarek A.:
Dry & hot = good.

Humid & hot = not good, not good at all.
You're damn right. 85% humidity in the morning, combined with a 90 degree heat used to sweep me off my feet. Funnily, it usually got to not more than 50% just a few hours later.
In Austin, of course.

My first day in the States, I got off the plane at Newark Intl Airport... 100F and 100% humidity... I thought I landed in hell...

A hot summer day in NYC can drive anyone insane. Pavement gets so hot that you can feel the heat coming from the streets more than the sun. Thousands of people with huge wet stains on their backs, dripping of sweat, sluggishly walking from their place of business into dark, smelly, moisture filled, gray subways where temperature and humidity reaches uncanny measures. Waiting for a subway is a nightmare; it could be no more then 5 minutes, yet they feel like an eternity, some guy with a Se playing traditional Chinese melodies, during any other season would be refreshing, now however it drives you up the wall, it sounds wave around the platform like the hot air outside. Subway carts are usually air conditioned, but during the rush hour traffic, when millions are trying to get back home into their cool apartments the stench of body odor is sometimes unbearable. Wet arms, tee shirts and shorts everywhere you move, tired faces red from the heat, breathing heavy down your neck. Every station in Manhattan is underground, it takes two, three or four flights of stairs to crawl out of the tunnel... when you finally do, the breath of fresh air that you expect never comes; instead you get the hot yellow son on your face and now the heat also attacks your senses from underneath your feet.
In outer boroughs, kids open fire hydrants to cool off streets and create a place where they can play and bring the temperature down just a notch. Lemonade stands spring all around and for a measly 50 cents you can get a glass of tap water with some lemon juice squeezed in. Water guns replace bicycles. Old men sit around opened garage doors and play domino while sipping some cheap beer, while chickens and turkeys run around the streets of Brooklyn. Only breeze is one of the passing car. Cigarettes are a challenge, each time you try to light one, they become wet from your fingers, so you hold them by the filter and hope that you won't catch those water drops, dripping from hundreds of humming AC units... summer in NYC... love it...

Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.07.08 o godzinie 02:24
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: I'm so hot!

Now 100F 100% humidity sounds bad :)

That's the typical 'landing' temperature for Antalya, but li'l bit less humidity.
And metro/underground without a proper vent system would be a plain torture chamber.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.07.08 o godzinie 07:58
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: I'm so hot!

Rafal, nice piece of writing!

Is there anywhere you can escape to? Do people head to the beach, for example? Coney Island?

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Temat: I'm so hot!

Steve Jones:
Rafal, nice piece of writing!

Thnx... I was inspired by my commute home from work ha..

Is there anywhere you can escape to? Do people head to the beach, for example? Coney Island?

Thousands swarm beaches and Coney Island it's a bit more breezy, but in that kind of weather, usually majority stays home, or hangs out at their favorite coffee places down the block with the AC on full blast , iced coffee and Mets on TV. Starbucks makes a killing on hot summers like the one we are experiencing this year. Your choice of weather varies between sticky, stuffy, unbearable heat or pouring rain and thunder showers. It was so hot last week, that one night we watched the most amazing display of lightning with out thunder, it was 5, 6 or more at a time for hours and hours... Jones Beach State Park in Long Island is also a popular place, Manhattan beach. While hardcore New Yorkers tend to stay locally, a large number of those who drive, or can afford to own a car and pay for the trip, visit the Jersey shore. Places like Pt. Pleasant, Sandy Hook, Seaside Heights or even as far as Wild Wood, which is almost a 4 hr drive from the city... with out traffic. That's another thing, if you are trying to escape the city on a Saturday, you better leave early.. I mean 8am early. Otherwise, it's stand still traffic on the Jersey Turnpike or the Parkway, RT1/9... all main roads leading south are usually jam packed.
I think from all the boroughs, Queens is the one where you can still go to a nice park (Central Park aside of course) and catch more greenery - Astoria Park with big open spaces and some bodies of water or Forest Park which is the closest thing to a forest in NYC. There are definitely places available, but it's really hard to escape the humidity. It's 5:30AM right now, and my apt is already getting hot and stuffy.

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Temat: I'm so hot!

ilter K.:
Now 100F 100% humidity sounds bad :)

hehe.. yea..

That's the typical 'landing' temperature for Antalya, but li'l bit less humidity.
And metro/underground without a proper vent system would be a plain torture chamber.

It's awe full... heat mixed with the smell... it does make the NYC experience ... an experience haha... it is such an old system of tunnels, I often wonder, how in the hell is this thing still holding up.

Temat: I'm so hot!

30 degrees at 9.30 in the morning!

no AC!

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Temat: I'm so hot!

I love AC!!! My officemate is on hols today, so I set AC to 17°C, full power!
Dariusz Tomczak

Dariusz Tomczak analityk, manager
projektów badawczych
ciągłych i ad

Temat: I'm so hot!

And I am not!

That is not what used to be before we implemented AC;-)
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I'm so hot!

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I'm so hot!

You can cook an egg on the sidewalk.

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Temat: I'm so hot!

Kari Wolk:
It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
I hear ya, sister.

Uhm-mm! *

*Damn, I can't pull this off :/
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I'm so hot!

Jarek A.:
Kari Wolk:
It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
I hear ya, sister.

Uhm-mm! *

*Damn, I can't pull this off :/

Lol Jarek!! Where did you learn to (try) to talk like that!?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: I'm so hot!

Kari Wolk:
Jarek A.:
I hear ya, sister.

Lol Jarek!! Where did you learn to (try) to talk like that!?
We're using the same software I guess:

Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: I'm so hot!

ilter K.:
Kari Wolk:
Jarek A.:
I hear ya, sister.

Lol Jarek!! Where did you learn to (try) to talk like that!?
We're using the same software I guess:

Baaaahaaaa haaa haa haa! LOL. Hilarious.

ps - Flava Flave is my hero.Kari Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.08.08 o godzinie 16:48
Stanislaw Strach

Stanislaw Strach IT Engineer / Sys
Admin / IT Security
/ IT Auditor

Temat: I'm so hot!

hehe that is the good one !!:)

konto usunięte

Temat: I'm so hot!

Kari Wolk:
Jarek A.:
Kari Wolk:
It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
I hear ya, sister.

Uhm-mm! *

*Damn, I can't pull this off :/

Lol Jarek!! Where did you learn to (try) to talk like that!?
When I was younger I too was a negro and played hoops. *

* Roughly translated quote from one of Polish cult comedies: Mis.

Ilter got it spot on, btw.

Temat: I'm so hot!

my local radio station promised only 25 degrees, and it's already 28!

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Temat: I'm so hot!

Lidia K.:
my local radio station promised only 25 degrees, and it's already 28!

It's going to rain today.

And for the next few days, I think.

Temat: I'm so hot!

go to Tallinn guys, here we have 20-24 C and alot of wind :)

Temat: I'm so hot!

unbelievable - it's raining!!!!

(24 degr.)

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