Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

OK, no time for jokes, Violetta. So tell us, where do you buy your furniture?

And can you swear that garlic in your home is not pressed with an IKEA device?

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Most of the furniture was bought in the Netherlands.

The device I press garlic with was bought in England but I have four mugs from IKEA. I was given them 2 years ago. That`s all.

Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Violetta P.:
I have four mugs from IKEA. I was given them 2 years ago. That`s all.
OK, gift horses do not count.
You're nearly spotless.

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Violetta P.:
Most of the furniture was bought in the Netherlands.
The device I press garlic with was bought in England

Are England and Netherlands brands like IKEA or Jysk, or You're just showing off ??Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.08.08 o godzinie 23:43

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Michał K.:
Are England and Netherlands brands like IKEA or Jysk, or You're
just showing off ??

I`m showing off. I always do. Do you mind?

Do YOU know if they are brands or not? Please don`t reply.

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Violetta P.:
Michał K.:
Are England and Netherlands brands like IKEA or Jysk, or You're
just showing off ??

I`m showing off. I always do. Do you mind?

Do YOU know if they are brands or not? Please don`t reply.

oh, but I will...try searching for "sarcasm". I'm sarcastic. I always am. Do You mind?

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

I do.

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Well, we all have problems. You're just gonna have to live with it. Try to ease up a bit, after all life is too short ;)

Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Michal, you've started OT. Do you mind getting back on track?

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Michal, I have no problems, believe me. Please don`t teach us every time you post in threads, we can do without your advice. Besides, we`re a bit fed up with GL wars.

And now let me say good night to you.Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.08.08 o godzinie 00:16

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

JYSK is great for table mats and those glass pebbles you can arrange in vases. And laundry baskets!

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

My friends have only IKEA furniture at home and it looks really great and modern!

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Violetta P.:
My friends have only IKEA furniture at home and it looks really great and modern!
It all depends on how you arrange things, and on the choice of colors as well.

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

No, not at all ;)

I don't see the "Ikea problem" really. It's not a must to buy there and if someone doesn't like it can just choose any other way (or place) to buy the furniture he likes. As for Ikea's design - I think that there always are some things You can choose, most of every collection is "na jedno kopyto" (how do you say that?) though. The problem really is when You want to buy something and You have to deal with all those excursions someone mentioned. blah ;)

PS. Sorry for OT - it's just sometimes stronger than me ;>

Violetta: "War" was not my intention really. If You felt in any way affronted please excuse me.


Hope You lik'em. They're not from IKEA ;PMichał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.08.08 o godzinie 00:27

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Michał K.:
Violetta: "War" was not my intention really. If You felt in any
way affronted please excuse me.

Apologies accepted;)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Actually when I'm out, looking for a furniture, I don't care what brand it is. If it is going to be a wooden furniture, I don't buy plated/fake wood stuff.
First, such ones doesn't get old nicely when there's an accidental hits and scratches, second, they fall apart/break easily, third, they can not stand humidity, fourth, they look fake anyways.

It must be real wood.

What I don't like about scandinavian designs in general is, usually, they are choosing the lightest shades of wood colors/varnish. I don't like pale wood in my living room especially, because it looks like the wood is not processed. Raw wood, right from the forest.
Do I look like I'm Tarzan?
Maybe sometimes, but I don't like to live like Tarzan.
Maybe I should.
But that's not the subject. You're all off topic.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.08.08 o godzinie 10:32

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Ilter, good point. I used to have very light colors in my living room, and hated it, but it was cheap and reasonably nice. This time I went for darker cherry wood.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

I had once sanded off the varnish of a light shade wooden table and painted to a dark shade. And didn't use varnish. That was a mistake. Color slowly faded away.

So, if you -ever- decide to change a color of a furniture, also make them put a varnish on it.

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Most of my furniture is oak, pretty dark.
However, several years ago I had an idea to paint at least my room black (walls, ceilting and windows)and furnish it with light-coloured furniture. But my friends told me I`d better go to a psychiatrist. Sometimes you have lousy friends;)

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Temat: IKEA or ...? Choices and dilemmas

Violetta P.:
Most of my furniture is oak, pretty dark.
However, several years ago I had an idea to paint at least my room black (walls, ceilting and windows)and furnish it with light-coloured furniture. But my friends told me I`d better go to a psychiatrist. Sometimes you have lousy friends;)

Furniture and paint are cheaper than psychiatry.

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