Wanda B.

Wanda B. nauczycielka języka

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

1 When you were little what was your first career ambition?

I wanted to be an actress. Unfortunately, my grandfather who had big influence on me thought that actresses were tarts

2 If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

That's sort of painful question, cause I still haven't forgiven myself fully for abandoning the plan of becoming a docctor. So I 'd choose being a surgeon.
3 Can you play a musical instrument?

>Nope, unfortunatelly. I wish I could. I have a friend who can play flute and I rather envy her.
4 Are men better at driving than women?

No, in my opinion not at all. Women tend to drive too carefully which can be also hazardous at times, but in general they make suberb drivers

5 Who is the most famous person you've met?

I guess that would be Soke Takayuchi Kubota, 10 dan, founder of Gosoku-ryu karate. Lives in the US, where he is apparentely well known in certain circles
>Wanda Brzozowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.05.08 o godzinie 14:06

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Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Joanna Dominiak:

PS Sorry for my english :/

You don't have to apologize, really.
Anna Siewczyk

Anna Siewczyk pricing/revenue

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

soldier or forester

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

good question but i do not know the answer

Can you play a musical instrument?


Are men better at driving than women?

depends on qualifications ;-)

Who is the most famous person you've met?

depends what do you mean famous ;-)
venus williams several years ago...
Daniel Gravel

Daniel Gravel Human Resources
Business Consultant

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

I would love to be an antique book dealer.

Can you play a musical instrument?

Nothing well, many poorly.
Are men better at driving than women?

There are many poor drivers out there (here in Canada) especially those that have never operated anything more than an Ox yet seem to be able to get a permit and start driving as soon as they land.
Who is the most famous person you've met?

Princess Diana.....sigh, she was so amazing.

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Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

When you were little, what was your first career ambition?
First I wanted to be a dustbinman so that I could press the button that makes the machine crush the rubbish.
For a long time I wanted to be an airline pilot.
If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?
Being a doctor would be attractive, because of all the help you could give people. If I could condense studies into, say, one year I'd like to become a computer programmer.
Can you play a musical instrument?
At primary school I had recorder lessons (what some of you might call a 'flute'). When I was 17-18 I had classical guitar lessons for around a year.
I can't remember much of either.
Apologies for having repeated this question, if we've had it before.
Are men better at driving than women?
I think that the average man has better coordination and spatial awareness than the average woman, and in this respect has the potential to drive a car better. However, confidence breeds arrogance, and I believe that fast, crazy driving by men causes more accidents that timidity and minor mistakes that women might be more prone to.
Who is the most famous person you've met?
I had a 5-minute conversation with Jan Krzysztof Bielecki about 3 years ago. He was quite pleasant. Unfortunately I don't hang out in the kind of places or with the kind of people that would get me connected with stars.

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

When you were little, what was your first career ambition?
Honestly, I don't remember. For sure I'd always wanted to be a princess. Is it a job?
If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?
A lawyer. I'd be the best one in this part of the country.
Can you play a musical instrument?
The guitar, only a little. I'd never play in public though, just for myself. I admire the Irish for being so musical and uninhibited about their musical talents.
Are men better at driving than women?
SOME men are hopeless drivers, but it's the women that get the bashing.
Who is the most famous person you've met?
Nowadays local business people.
In the ancient days I used to rent a flat with an acting school student so I met many young actors who are now starring in our soap operas, commercials, theatre, etc. My former flatmate is a theatre actress now.

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Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:

> > Who is the most famous person you've met?
I had a 5-minute conversation with Jan Krzysztof Bielecki about 3 years ago. He was quite pleasant. Unfortunately I don't hang out in the kind of places or with the kind of people that would get me connected with stars.

Didn't know that politicians count. Steve, I also met J.K.Bielecki and it wasn't in Poland but in his EBRD office in London (hahaha!)
During that very same visit I also met and talked (for 1 minute at most) to John Major.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Marcin B.:
ilter K.:
In Turkey: Tarkan (as a music co-producer/remixer in 2001)
This one from "Szikidim, szkidim, mua?" :)
Yep, that's him.

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Jarek A.:
Broadcasting directly from rainy Holland (especially for Agnieszka S.). I'm Jarek A. Stay tuned.
Hahahaha, thank you ;)))

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Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Didn't know that politicians count. Steve, I also met J.K.Bielecki and it wasn't in Poland but in his EBRD office in London (hahaha!)
During that very same visit I also met and talked (for 1 minute at most) to John Major.

Well, I did meet JKB at a meeting in Barcelona, so do I beat you? ;)

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Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
Didn't know that politicians count. Steve, I also met J.K.Bielecki and it wasn't in Poland but in his EBRD office in London (hahaha!)
During that very same visit I also met and talked (for 1 minute at most) to John Major.

Well, I did meet JKB at a meeting in Barcelona, so do I beat you? ;)

Yeah. Sadly, I am a loser again (think of the Premier.League).
I met some flamenco dancers in the Spanish Village in Barcelona but don't remember their names and they might have been some famous ones - who knows?Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.05.08 o godzinie 20:38
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

Wanted to play the trombone in an orchestra ;)) I was very disappointed they wouldn't let me choose trombone when I went to music school at the age of 6.

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

I love my job 100% (the way I do it now). But if we're talking about learning new skills, I'd love to be a painter. And a DJ.

Can you play a musical instrument?

Yeah, several ones, although I haven't practised for ages. Starting off with accordion (which I was resigned to accept when was denied trombone classes ;), then some piano, followed by percussion. These days, I've swapped the piano for a synthesiser in the hope that people won't notice my left hand is rather crap and I still have occasional jam sessions on my conga and a couple of bongos at my friend's pub.

Are men better at driving than women?

If you ask me, anyone is a better driver than myself, though I have a cousin (girl) who's not only an excellent driver, but she's also very patient (never swears at road hogs) and clever (always manages to talk a policeman out of giving her a fine - on the rare occasions when she's in for a fine ;)

Statistically speaking, I agree with Steven.

Who is the most famous person you've met?

Dido. Was passing by an HMV store in London, when I found a flyer laying on the pavement saying she was about to sign her single CD inside that store in about half an hour's time. I got her autograph and even managed to talk to her for a little while, before a bouncer dragged me away ;)Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.05.08 o godzinie 12:15

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

"When you were little, what was your first career ambition?"

Spaceship captain

"If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?"

Spaceship captain ;] If not - quantum phisicistMichał Hubicki edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.05.08 o godzinie 21:52
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
1. When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

Football player
2. If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

I'd condense everything I have learnt up to this point into a pill, swallow it and wake up age 25 as a budding entrepreneur.
3. Can you play a musical instrument?

I can play guitar and very amateur drums
4. Are men better at driving than women?

Depends what "better" means.

Women are safer drivers and therefore involved in less accidents. However, statistically they drive far less than men. So, when that's taken into account, there isn't much difference in the number of accidents men and women are involved in.

In my opinion, the difference between the sexes causes a lot of accidents. Women have less spacial judgment ability and therefore find it harder to reverse and park. Men are more adrenaline-prone and sometimes drive like total arseholes. Women are more cautious and this can frustrate the more adrenaline-driven male, which can in turn lead to accidents.
5. Who is the most famous person you've met?

Donald Tusk
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

Don't remember. Really.

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

A lawyer. They earn.

Can you play a musical instrument?

Sadly, no.

Are men better at driving than women?

Depends on the individual. Women have fewer accidents.

Who is the most famous person you've met?

Ach, there were so many. I once shook hands with King Arthur, in Barnsley during the strike. Haven't washed my right hand since. And I spent an evening sat next to a guy who people later told me is famous, but I had no idea who Roger Waters is/was and don't know much about that sort of music anyway. Oh, and a pleasant afternoon at the Tężnia in Konstancin-Jeżiorno with Fenella Fielding.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

A vet. I couldn't get enough of Dr Dolittle.

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

An architect.
Or more likely - a barista

Can you play a musical instrument?


Are men better at driving than women?

No. Period.

Who is the most famous person you've met?

I haven't rubbed many shoulders, I'm afraid.
Once, Anna Maria Jopek at a grocer's in Warsaw. She's tiny!

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

To be a footballer. (boring)

If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

Probably, like some of the others here, I'd choose to be a lawyer.

Can you play a musical instrument?


Are men better at driving than women?

I don't drive myself, and will never learn, so no.

Who is the most famous person you've met?

I once met Michael Hessletine, who was then the Deputy Prime Minister, in the toilets of a conference centre.

I've met a lot of people who are famous in Wales, but nowhere else.

I could list their names, but they wouldn't mean anything to anyone on 'Anglosphere'.

I'm sure David Icke is a recognisable name - I met him once at my parents house on the Isle of Wight before he went gaga.

(Icke lives on the island).
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?

strangely enough - a top model
(those who know me are always laughing out loud whenever they hear it...)
If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?

From the impossible - an astronaut

(future) Possibilities - HR Director ;-P
Can you play a musical instrument?

Piano, nerves ;-)

Are men better at driving than women?


Just as they are better at cooking..
Who is the most famous person you've met?

Depends on wha 'famous' means to you.

most recognized? most attractive/intelligent?

Think I haven't met a person like that so far in my life but if I would have a chance I would definitely want to meet Paul Hewson (Bono)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday 16:05:2008:

Steven H.:
When you were little, what was your first career ambition?
Cultural Anthropologist. When I was a small boy my dad gave me a book on this subject because he saw I was admiring it. It was about a sub Saharan African Tribe (Ik) written by some cat, I think Turnbull. I was hooked...(but I was a terrible student) :)))
If you could be qualified instantly, what career would you choose now?
Astronaut. Hands down. Next, a fisherman in the Bering Sea. Or even work on a boat there. Not so much the tropical places. I love severe weather and wind and terrible waves...but colder.
Can you play a musical instrument?
I have absolutely no musical talent of any kind. :(
Are men better at driving than women?
I'm guessing that morbidity and mortality rates are higher for men, but I wouldn't guess about property damage.
Who is the most famous person you've met?
I met a few. I would want to be able categorize.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.05.08 o godzinie 10:04

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday 12.09.2008

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