Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Also, what song would come to your mind?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

AC DC - Highway to hell, Motorhead - Overkill, Megadeth - Rust in peace, Into Eternity - The incurable tragedy, Immortal - At the heart of the winter.
I'd kill and eat the turtle and replace the plates with a bowl amidst tanning and lazying after building a shed a pool and such island-fun-activities.
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

I'd say that they will have a great and unforseen opportunity of listening to those great five albums for some more time to come in the future and afterwards as well :)
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

Dismemberment, which naturally comes with listening to celine d. Otherwise I would simply swap easter traditions with christmas to outgo dis...something. Ouch.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

1) Still being on that island I'd facilitate the sponge for entertaining purposes, cutting it in two halfs, pressing it wet or not against different parts of my body. The sun is so hot today. The horror, the horror.
2) I'd refit und redress it as Sponge-Bob impersonator, build a TV-like coconut frame and do my own "Island-TV"-series to please any cultural cravings while being alone.
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Also, what song would come to your mind?

First, I have to buy more crayons. Do they give crayons? Waiter! Music: Ac Dc - it's a long way...

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

We'll find something new to do now.
Here is lots of new blue goo now.
New goo. Blue goo.
Gooey. Gooey.
Blue goo. New goo.
Gluey. Gluey.

Gooey goo for chewy chewing!
That's what that Goo-Goose is doing.
Do you choose to chew goo, too, sir?
If, sir, you, sir, choose to chew, sir,
with the Goo-Goose, chew, sir.
Do, sir.

2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew.
While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew.
Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze.
Freezy trees made these trees' cheese freeze.
That's what made these three free fleas sneeze.

3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

First, I'll make a quick trick brick stack.
Then I'll make a quick trick block stack.

You can make a quick trick chick stack.
You can make a quick trick clock stack.

And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox....
Socks on chicks and chicks on fox.
Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks.
Bricks and blocks on Knox on box.

4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

Who comes? ...
Crow comes.
Slow Joe Crow comes.

Who sews crow's clothes?
Sue sews crow's clothes.
Slow Joe Crow sews whose clothes?
Sue's clothes.

Sue sews socks of fox in socks now.

Slow Joe Crow sews Knox in box now.

Sue sews rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes.
Fox sews hose on Slow Joe Crow's nose.

Hose goes.
Rose grows.
Nose hose goes some.
Crow's rose grows some.

5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Also, what song would come to your mind?

Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles....

What do you know about tweetle beetles? Well...

When tweetle beetles fight,
it's called a tweetle beetle battle.

And when they battle in a puddle,
it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.

AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.


When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.


When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
and the bottle's on a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles...
...they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.


Now wait a minute, Mr. Socks Fox!

When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle
with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
THIS is what they call...

...a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled
muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!

Fox in socks, our game is done, sir.
Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Na-ha! That's the spirit! No more of that yes/no crap;>.

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

1. The records would be my favorites, so I would find some great places, maybe caves, and put each plate on the wall in one cave. So, if I knew my favorites, it wouldn't be any problem for me to recall listening to thoses records every time I would visit the caves. It would be some kind of entertaining place to visit after the whole days of looking for some coconuts and other stuff. :)
I would not eat a turtle, I wouldn't have salt. ;) Imagination would let me live, and the turtles are cool. ;)

2. I wouldn't tell them. It would be more interesting to me, if they didn't know. :)

3. I like Celin Dion ;)

4. To use it as an afro or some kind of beard at the fancy dress ball :)

5. I tear out a piece of the paper and send it back to the sender with a sign "Wanna make a fast buck? Fill it out with enamel!".

The song would be "Whiskey In The Jar" by Metallica. :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Bathing, sunbathing, sleeping, walking, eating papayas.
Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

If I were to starve I would consider eating a turtle in this situation, even though they are so cool and I'm a vegetarian.
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life?

I would stop getting so nervous about not managing to change things before I die.
How would you break it out to your heirs?

Simply tell them.
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

Madera Island.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

Let it live, perhaps?
"Early Europeans used soft sponges for many purposes including padding for helments, portable drinking utensils and municipal water filters. Until the invention of synthetic sponges, they were used as cleaning tools, applicators for paints and ceramic glazes and discreet contraceptives." (wikipedia)
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Fill out normally, leaving some space blank.
Also, what song would come to your mind?

Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @ | Blogger

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island,(....)

I would never, ever eat a turtle...
What would I do on the island? train train train :) No better place for stunt practice than an island with lot of sand, trees etc.

2. Your doctor informs you that (...)

It would probably cost me a lot of nerves as I would probably argue with that doctor as he's a lier... I WOULD NEVER eat a turtle...

3. Due to the new goverment regulations (...)
Not sure what Celine would do to me ... ;]

4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).
whitening your snickers ;)

5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?
I laugh..

Also, what song would come to your mind?
the "haha song" :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?
Fact1: Power. Yougot it wrong. Wrong. There was no power until I arrived. Disco lights all over the place now. Laser shows.
Fact2: Local savages. Wrong. The island is deserted.
Fact3: I wouldn't eat the turtle, that'd break Crabman's heart.

2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?
350 years... is it human or turtle years?
I'm on a deserted island, no females. How do I get to have any heirs?
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?
The Albano and Romina Power* way**.

*refer to point 1 for info on power.
**don't refer to any point for infor on way.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).
Way - backwards.
Application - saving what's left of the booze you've spilled on the floor.
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?
I'd glue half a page of crayons onto the form in the required space.
Also, what song would come to your mind?
What would Brian Boitano doJarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 07:53

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

Aardvark be with you.
1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Just one island? In that case I'd swim to the island on the left, drag it to my island, that drag the one on the right and the rest that is around (Australia might be a bit tricky, but I have my ways), make a looooong chain of islands, then put the ends together, run around the whole thing screaming 'They're after me! They're after me!'

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

Turtles are not cool. They're freaking awesome! Serve chilled on salad.
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

First of all I'd make sure there are no more of these turtles, so that my heirs don't try to outlive me. Then I'd swim to the island on the left, drag it to my island...
Might take about 350 yrs. but it sure as hell sounds fun :D
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

Is there still a Celine Dion? You'd think someone got rid of that together with Cher and Kozidrak...

I'd buy a ticket to space, put my suit on, get out of the shutter and decorate the biggest Christmas tree ever with tortillas. Then I'd agree for an interview and say I did it because I want world peace.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

Cut it into little bits, make macaroni-like pictures of giant ants and sell them for millions of dollars.
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

I'd draw a small scorpio and a big scorpio. The little one saying 'HI, SCORPIO' and the big one saying 'hi, scorpio'.
Also, what song would come to your mind?

"Olejek bezwonny lej przez lejek dwie uncje nie mniej kakao
H2O a potem to wszystko grzej!...".
(anyone care to translate? :D)Marta Głowacka edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 09:08

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Jarek has already brought it up - there are no local savages on a desert island, duh.
I would stare at the sea singing 'Come Sail Away'.

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

I do not consider turtles cool.

2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life?

It would be longer apparently.
How would you break it out to your heirs?

I wouldn't.
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

I would do it the Southpark way. With Celine Dion.

4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

Bra filler.

5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Spend the rest of the day choosing the colors.

Also, what song would come to your mind?

Anything by Napalm Death.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

1. What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?
Building a villa made of natural materials
Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?
Probably I'd decide to be vegeterian. Because I know it is good, and I know it is possible to live that way. And that's the greatest opportunity to be vegan probably.
If there's no enough plants in the island, I can eat anything available. But probably not cats or dogs. Any meat except for dogs and cats. But I don't mind wolves and lions.
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?
350 years is enough, seriously.
So, no, I wouldn't be sad.
Besides, 350 years is too long to live a sad life.
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?
I'm not Christian, I can live without Christmas. I can live with Celine Dion. But she will have to make some order at home, time to time.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).
Suck the blood out of a dead body.
If that's not original enough and if you have seen it in a move...
Sound isolation.
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?
Just like I did when I was 6-7 years old.
Also, what song would come to your mind?
All Nightmare Long, Metallica

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

ilter K.:
If there's no enough plants in the island, I can eat anything available. But probably not cats or dogs. Any meat except for dogs and cats. But I don't mind wolves and lions.
what about chimps?

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

As far as I remember he sticks to licking them :D (pun intended)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

I love chimps. They are brilliant. I don't intend to have a chimp wife, let's not exaggerate pls. :)

I don't mind kissing a chimp, and yes, you got me Lidia, probably I wouldn't eat Chimps too. They are dam sweet. Also I wouldn't hunt Dolphins.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 11:20

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!
They woke me up! Thanks! :)
1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?
Oh, CDs as plates? absurdly small - I'd use them for cutting coconuts open :) As for titles - Pink Floyd "Wish you were here", hawaiian compilation "Best Waikiki Singles Ever" vol.15, singles: U2 "Where the streets have no name", The Who " I can see for miles" and Rolling Stones "Brown Sugar" (love this song, I'm sugar (cane, not brown) addict).
I run, run all the time, then I swim, then I build castles and improve my hut (built with coconut palm trees and leaves), fix everything I find (I bet the ocean will spit out parts of ships, planes other people) and meditate..
Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?
Why, I can't eat coconuts all the time? Besides, knowing my personal charm the turtle would hide in its shell - I might have problems opening it with CDs ;)
Does turtle meat taste like chicken?
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?
Are they on the island? If not - well can I inform them? I send a message in the turtle's shell.
P.S. How did the doctor find me? Medicover covers deserted islands? Wow!
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?
I ban singing carols - this changes our usual way of spending Xmas - will that count? If not, I go to Finland - to see raindeers and christmas trees at home ;)
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).
Soak it (with coconut milk) and watch it dry.
Brush my teeth (sponge soaked with coconut milk)
Throw it and catch it.
(mmmm the sun makes me feel soooo intelligent)
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?
Smile and draw a pink girl in trousers and a hoodie with a huge smile, devil horns, umbrella in one hand and a bar of chocolate in the other standing on a hill under a tree full of birds. Sun, clouds in the sky, kitesurfers in the background.
Also, what song would come to your mind?
"Raindrops keep falling on my head" by Johnny FarnhamKarolina W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 12:12
Katarzyna Sławińska

Katarzyna Sławińska Lektorka
angielskiego, wolny

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?
I would choose "The White Album" by The Beatles, Yes "Close to the Edge," one cd with salsa music, whatever the performers, Morcheeba "Dive Deep," and one cd with jazz music that I wouldn't be familiar with...
While waiting for something to happen I would try to organise a shelter and some form of a home and I think it would consume some time. I would try to find some way to write about what is going on in order to record my experiences. And I would go swimming or make some trips, in general try to do some sports.
2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?
I would stop worrying about the ticking clock ;) I would feel more free concerning retirement and other such problems as they would be much more distant in time. I would take all the time in the world to learn more languages and other things and to read more books. I expect my heirs to be very resourceful and self-reliant;)
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?
Provided I have some money saved I would go to Alaska or Lapland and spend Christmas there with the locals.
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).
Painted yellow as a fake piece of yellow cheese in commercials.
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

Also, what song would come to your mind?

I would draw a puzzle the solution of which would be my name. As to the song - Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush.
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get resued or hunted down by local savages)?

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

I wouldn't mind eating a turtle but I would mind killing it. I wouldn't eat it alive though!

What would I be doing? Sending my GL posts in bottles!


2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

I wouldn't say anything. Why challenge fate?

3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

Partying in Ibiza.

4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

In my primary school, we used it sometimes to clog the keyholes of the classrooms' doors. Plasticine worked better, though...

5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

I would fill it out with crayons.

Also, what song would come to your mind?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Thanks, Kuba.
1. You are to crash on a desert island
Cds: compilations. It doesn't matter, though, because they are now signaling devices. Dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit, brutha. Day 1: running around the beach hysterically and screaming a shrill man-scream until exhausted, collapse on the beach and sob myself to sleep clutching sand. Wake up swith a scream by being startled by a cricket, maybe grovel in the sand and eat some snails, and repeat the process. Day 2: pull myself together and start the heavy work 'cause I'm gonna be losing some weight, better get it done. Water, bamboo is cool and it has antibacterial properties, other medicinals, shelter, maybe eat a few more snails. Day 3 I see a turtle...
Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?
So are chickens. Eat it? Ppfft. I'd SKELETONIZE it. Ever seen a turtle sleleton? Uuuhh...well, okay, neither have I. But it's bones would make good tools. They bend some. Knives, hand held shovels, fish hooks, Hell. I'd make DENTAL tools. Turtle skin is tough. That goes in storage in the cave. I'll eventually need shoe patches (if I'm wearing them). Eat it? ppft.
2. Your doctor informs you
It would just be SNAFU. How do I tell them? Two words. Compound interest.
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it
Partying in Ibiza ;)
4. An original way to use a sponge?
How do I beat cleaning?
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with
Just like the Korean Math professor at the clinic did. He was there for accent reduction. A naive student there presented him with Dr. Seuss to read to her. He looked at it. He looked at her, and he shoved the book at her and "Aww Fuh -YUUUU!" I almost bit a hole in my lip.
Also, what song would come to your mind?
No Leaf Clover by Metallica is what I hear in the room.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.01.09 o godzinie 21:05
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
Thanks to Kuba Nowak for these somewhat bizarre questions!

1. You are to crash on a desert island, and you can choose 5 records to take with you. Quite unfortunately, there's no power on the island so you use the records as plates. Or mirrors... or something. Anyway: What would be your way of spending time on the island (until you get rescued or hunted down by local savages)?

5 records eh...

Led Zeppelin - IV
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Dreadzone - Biological Radio
Photek - Modus Operandi
.... bah there is just too many off em I would have to make difficult choices and I refuse to :D (lets make it 5 cds full of records I like)

SO what would I do?

explore explore explore and try to survive

Also, would you consider eating a turtle in this situation, even tho they are so cool?

Wouldnt mind eating eat, but I wouldn't kill it myself.
I would rather try some fishing than killing a turtle myself.

2. Your doctor informs you that after eating a slightly old turtle, you have only 350 more years to live. How would it affect your life? How would you break it out to your heirs?

So much more time to try MORE and MORE things and experience life :)))
3. Due to the new goverment regulations you are not allowed to spend your christmas the way you usually do it, under the penalty of Celine Dion. What other way would you choose?

Tropical .. island... dot dot dot... with someone :)))
4. An original way to use a sponge? (This is not a yes/no question).

To build maquettes for table top games. I actually did use em like.. 10 years ago or more :)
5. You recieve a form. The 'name' section leaves you about half a page of space. There is a note 'fill out with crayons'. How would you react?

like that:
I am your holy totem
I am your sick taboo
Radical and radiant
I'm your nightmare coming true
I am your worst enemy
I am your dearest friend
Malignantly malevolent
I am of divine descent

I am your apocalypse
I am your belief unwrought
Monolithic juggernaut
I'm the illegitimate son of God

I have come to rock your world
I have come to shake your faith
Anathematic anarchist
I have come to take my place

I am your apocalypse
I am your belief unwrought
Monolithic juggernaut
I'm the illegitimate son of God

and then a smiley ...

Also, what song would come to your mind?

or the Kolorowe Kredki tune :D
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday (16.01.2009)

Joj Y.:
Partying in Ibiza ;)

mmm... are we going there together Joj? (as soon as we get out of this fucking island!) ;) :))

Następna dyskusja:

Five for friday (08.05.2009...

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