Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?

It was a horrendous experience I'd really rather forget...
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream come true?

Aged 7: Footballer for Liverpool
Aged 14: Rock Star

No, I didn't manage to pull them off!
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?

I think I like to cut through to what's "right", to question, to think about things, sometimes think about things too much... I like to try things out, see if I like them...
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

I tend to work better in very short intense bursts. Morning is good, and so is late evening: these are the best two times. The afternoon isn't that creative for me.
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?

I exercise my mind by learning new things and coming up with stuff. Healthy mind, healthy body - it's all connected!

Food-wise, I like to whip up a smoothie in the morning with melon, pineapple and grapefruit. I cook a lot myself.

In terms of exercise, could be better... I do try to make it to the gym twice a week, though!
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Ania Boniecka:

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?
At my friends place
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream come true?
Gee, I wanted to be: ballet dancer, then a gymnastic, chemist, actress, theatre director. Only gymnastic come true :)))
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?
I already said I have 1 virtue. Major one - I have no imperfecions :)
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?
No doubt it's late afternoon and evening. So I would love to sleep long and start working late - 2 - 3 pm :)
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?
Sports, healthy food (I eat a lot of veggies). And it seeams to work. More or less, as I also do some very unhealthy things like smoking and drinking :)))

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Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Steve Jones:

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?

Montreal, Canada playing a gig for some good friends at a nice loft party.
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream come true?

Race car driver was the first choice... then I wanted to be a new age traveler .. the latter one sort of came through.
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?

humility, loyalty, generosity
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker?

The hours right after my coffee.
If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

Hours after I drink my coffee.
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?

I'm trying to quit smoking right now, living in the states it's hard to eat healthy but I try nevertheless.
Szymon Flaka

Szymon Flaka "The harder I
practice, the
luckier I get"

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Małgorzata D.:
Szymon Flaka:
Małgorzata D.:
Fancy dress party organized by my friends. It was mmmmmmmm :)
can you develop that topic without going into to much of a details :) as I'm preparing my 30th birthday in a similiar fasion :)

Here you are... I guess you ask about the clothes so.. I was dressed up as a doll. And, unfortunatelly, they all thought I'm not dressed up so I didn't get a chance to win a dvd... And they asked if my long blond curly hair was real.. And they wanted to take it off. And they didn't.
The ballroom was rented. What else? Not everybody dressed up which was... sorf of... stiff. But there were also hippies, witches, devils, fairies, a mexican, doctors (and their nurses;) ) and blues brothers (while one of them reminded of a desperado a bit).
The party itself was ok, but could be more crazy if I chose the ppl to come.
Anyway... My legs are ok. The head too. :)

This confirms exactly what I thought :) Well done!
Did any of male participant bother to put some black makeup on his eyelids?

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Did any of male participant bother to put some black makeup on his eyelids?
Actually, some did. The mexican (he even painted some gorgeous eyebrows on his forehead) and the devil (black eyelids).
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
It's the first one of the New Year, brought to you by Ania Boniecka!

thanks Ania :))

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?

a house party, nothing special, though.
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream come true?

all I can remind myself was a teacher and a nurse ;)
none of it came true.
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?

all I'm thinking at the moment is:

- good attitude
- responsibility
- stubborness: I always say "if they don't let you go through the door, go through the window", which is to never give up ;)
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

the morning hours.
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?

I don't smoke;try not to be stressed because of my work; don't eat fast-foods; I eat vegetables & fruits and when my belly fills out I go to the gym few times a week ;))Ania S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.01.09 o godzinie 15:27

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Jarek A.:
I do not smoke. I do not do drugs. I do do watch sports on TV.

'Whatever you father says don't do, I say doodoo'
Seen it?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
'Whatever you father says don't do, I say doodoo'
Seen it?
Doodoo? Not seen. Taken.
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
It's the first one of the New Year, brought to you by Ania Boniecka!

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?

In the house by the lake, near Tarnów, with my sister and some friends.
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream come true?

Actress I think. Not the movie star but the one in theatre. Maybe a writer too... I wrote my first book when I was 6 :P
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?

I didn't know what to write so I asked my friends about it. They said: stubborness, matter-of-factness, and malice (but I wouldn't really call it a virtue;) ).
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

I work from 7am to 3pm. it takes time to wake up, especially in the winter time. The best time for me starts at 9am and lasts to 13pm.
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?

I try to go to the swimming pool at least once a week. I walk my dog very often :))) I like to spend some time at the shooting range but I don't know if it's a way to make my life healthier...hmm... in fact it is. It reduces the stress level:)

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Jarek A.:
Marta Głowacka:
'Whatever you father says don't do, I say doodoo'
Seen it?
Doodoo? Not seen. Taken.

Drawn Together. Stupid, racist, outrageous. Love it :-)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
Drawn Together. Stupid, racist, outrageous. Love it :-)
Kewl. I'll check it out.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

I work from 7am to 3pm. it takes time to wake up, especially in the winter time. The best time for me starts at 9am and lasts to 13pm.
What do you do? Where do you work?
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

I work in an office of the company which deals mainly with mining industry as well as road planning, geology and geotechnics. I sell forged shapes, tools like round picks, sleeves, pick holders, drilling rods and casings, drum cutters, powered longwall sets/roof supports, wide range of drillers and drill rigs, etc. Quite interesting;)Tatiana Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.01.09 o godzinie 13:37

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

1/ Where did you spend the New Year’s Eve?

Warsaw, at my friend's. Small indoor party, very nice.
2/ Who did you want to be when you were a child? Did your dream
come true?

I don't know about my childhood, but in secondary school I got in my head that I'll be the Polish Ambassador in England. Weren't we ambitious :D.
3/ What are your best 3 virtues?

I'm highly empathic, intelligent and I do sometimes act silly so that my inner child stays alive forever :-).
4/ In which hours of the day you are the most efficient worker? If you were to choose the hours of your work, what time band would you choose?

Late night. Never clocked it, but I suppose I work best 9pm to 3am. And then after a coffee or two from 4 to 6am :-). And when I quit the job I have now and get more translations I might be back to my nocturnal activity :D
5/ Do you do anything to make your life healthier/healthy? If yes – what do you do?

Sure. I smile a lot, wash regularly and always have safe sex :D

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Marta Głowacka:
always have safe sex :D
I assume and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it's not the risk of getting pregnant that worries you.

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Right as rain :). What worries me is that whole process we'll have to go through to actually have some offspring...

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

I like my part...

Temat: Five for Friday (02.01.2009)

Such as it is :P

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Five for friday (08.05.2009...

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