konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 2012

For y'all but only answer when you feel like it :)

1. What turned out to be the best decision you made in 2011?
2. What are you wearing?
3. Where was the strangest place you have ever been nude?
4. What is the dumbest thing you keep doing?
5. What is the most far red thing you can see?

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 2012

Joj Y.:
1. What turned out to be the best decision you made in 2011?
I set things in motion in 2011 and still waiting the outcome. Ask me again in 6 months.
2. What are you wearing?
That's gonna cost ya $2.99/min
3. Where was the strangest place you have ever been nude?
No strange places, sorry to disappoint you.
4. What is the dumbest thing you keep doing?
Where do I start? Well, not necessarily the dumbest but probably the most frequent - I keep speeding near road works. If you've been to Switzerland you know what I mean and you've now leaned your head to the left and go: awww...
5. What is the most far red thing you can see?
That's gotta be the town I occasionally paint with the lads.

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 2012

Jarek A.:
That's gonna cost ya $2.99/min

hehe...I tried :)

konto usunięte

Temat: FFF 2012

1. I can't recall any outstanding decision...probably had to do with success concerning fish bait.
2. Blue sweater, some funky tan or brown, narrow-textured corduroy pants.
3. I sometimes swim naked at night but I wouldn't if there was any chance anyone could be within 5 kilometers. Otherwise, just standard medical procedural (but not like when someone goes to the dentist and wakes up with their pants off, right? :)
4. Anglosphere maybe but it's cheaper than therapy, so...and oh yeah: olive oil. It's slowing my times down - making me not run fast or jump high but I practically drink it several times per day by putting it on almost everything while knowing the consequences. Olive oil, I love you.
5. A poinsettia plant from the kitchen.

Ed. Poinsettia. Not poinsietta. Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.01.12 o godzinie 21:41
Marek Dąbek

Marek Dąbek Software Engineer,
Intel Technology

Temat: FFF 2012

1. What turned out to be the best decision you made in 2011?
I ordered ceramic tiles instead of wooden floor - can't stop wondering how I came up with such a great idea!
2. What are you wearing?
Skinny jeans, short sleeve collared shirts and slip-ons
(The question reminds me of the phone conversation most men would like to take part in;))
3. Where was the strangest place you have ever been nude?
My office :)
4. What is the dumbest thing you keep doing?
I keep postponing things :/
5. What is the most far red thing you can see?
A window decoration in the building i see through my window.

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