Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Kamila G.:

You're a physicist, right? But perhaps you're talking about frequency and numbers and by 'natural' you understand 'dominating, more frequent'. I don't know.

Well I rather mean 'regular' and 'representative'. If we come to lexical meaning, please take a look at natural and go to points 9a, c.

And what exactly is completely different about the phenomena brought forth in the previously quoted paper and the phenomenon of human homosexuality?
Are these differences different from the differences between animal and human heterosexuality? :-)

Yes, I think there are. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that distribution of such phenomena are quite uniform amongst animul populations under considerations. It suggests that it can be a sort of evolutional/social behavior. The same goes to human heterosexuality, from well-understood reasons most of the population must be hetero.
In case of homosexualism, the distribution looks quite not uniform in function of many parameters (time, place, age, etc.) which is brought about by cultural factors. And that makes a difference in my view becouse these kind of behaviors is qualitively different that (other) animal behaviour.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Paweł Gąsior:
Kamila G.:
You're a physicist, right? But perhaps you're talking about frequency and numbers and by 'natural' you understand 'dominating, more frequent'. I don't know.
Well I rather mean 'regular' and 'representative'. If we come to lexical meaning, please take a look at natural and go to points 9a, c.
You mean, "relating to or being natural food" has something to do with this subject in here? :)

Paweł, being gay is IN the nature of human beings. Not only for homo-sapiens, but also for other complex organisms.

So when you say "natural", anything that nature has, can be and should be accepted as "natural".

That's why you can never see any mentioning of sexuality neither under the definition of "natural", and "nature".

Find and use something else. Say they are the "minority", say that "it should stay like this", but don't say "I am natural, they are not".

In physics, you don't mix the terms like "mass" with "accumulation".
You misuse them, you'll either be dismissed from the class/school, or fired from work.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.09.09 o godzinie 10:38
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

ilter K.:

In physics, you don't mix the terms like "mass" with "accumulation".
You misuse them, you'll either be dismissed from the class/school, or fired from work.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.09.09 o godzinie 10:38

...or blown up!
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

ilter K.:
Paweł, being gay is IN the nature of human beings. Not only
for homo-sapiens, but also for other complex organisms.

Well, looks like one of gear-wheels finally jumped onto a proper place in my brain. Yeah, I guess you've finally convinced me Ilter. If it weren't in nature it couldn't have been expressed.

Now I can see that there was invalid reasoning in 4 points which i once wrote. The same kind of mistake would be better seen in something like that:
1. A male is a human.
2. A female is not a man, so
3. A female is not a human :D
In this case both inputs are correct but conclusion is false becouse it's based on thr assumption that features which seem to be in contrary, exclude one another. It's wrong assumption and it's the same kind of error which I commited then. Shame I've noticed it so late.

So - I apologize if I offended anyone and thanks for effort in the discussion to every1 :)Paweł Gąsior edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.09.09 o godzinie 18:17

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...


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