Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Joj Y.:
That's ridiculous. Why would a hermaphrodite have gills AND a trunk? Pfff.

Being 62, gay and wanting to adopt a baby isn't too? (And I mean the cumulative, not wanting to stress the gay-factor only)
Karolina Racławska

Karolina Racławska revolve to evolve

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

I read an interesteing quote in 'Przekroj' today and it got me thinking. The quote went something along the lines of 'single mothers living with their mothers and bringing up kids in such a household should be/could be considered homosexual households'.
I never really looked at it that way but maybe growing up with 2 lesbian mothers might not be that different...

whatcha think??
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Karolina Racławska:
I read an interesteing quote in 'Przekroj' today and it got me thinking. The quote went something along the lines of 'single mothers living with their mothers and bringing up kids in such a household should be/could be considered homosexual households'.
I never really looked at it that way but maybe growing up with 2 lesbian mothers might not be that different...

whatcha think??

If there are only women bringing up the child(ren) the education might be slightly monotonous.
Hard to say with what effect. After the war the children were brought up mainly by mothers, since the fathers were dead or imprisoned. What does that say?
It pretty much boils down to: Who is a good and responsible parent and who isn't no matter what gender or sexual orientation.

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Joj Y.:
That's ridiculous. Why would a hermaphrodite have gills AND a trunk? Pfff.
hehe the image made me want to joke about the redundant gas exchange capabilites...but I'm weird :)))

Seriously, though, now that he apparently claimed to have lost his heart to that baby, and if he's denied the chance to adopt, I wonder if he'll take care of him anyways.

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Karolina Racławska:
whatcha think?
On the surface, I think it's an interesting point (to my mind).
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Every case and every family is different so it's hard to say what would be good.
Marek Z.

Marek Z. Inżynier Aplikacyjny
Systemów Wizyjnych,
COGNEX, Surface ...

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Steve Jones:
... a Ukrainian toddler!

You think he should?

According to Sir Elton, he had always rejected the idea of adoption because of his age and his lifestyle of regularly being on tour.

But he said a 14-month-old boy called Lev had "stolen his heart" and forced him to consider a change of mind.

I think he shouldn't do it...I think now he's trying to get more famous.. Sorry for that , but I do not see nice childhood for this boy among Elton and his friend..
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

I seriously believe that there won't be any more harm -psychological or otherwise - in having single sex parents than it is in having a single parent. The only difference being that the latter situation has already been accepted by our society and hence is no longer stigmatised. In both cases the role model factor would be homogeneous. In both cases, if the parents know how to do their job, the kids will be better of than in an institution.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Of course there's no argument that a child should have a mother and a father. But reality often fails on that.

And yes, I'd have reservations about Elton's age, though it's purely because men tend to live shorter.Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.09.09 o godzinie 01:09

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Sylwia Łubkowska:
And yes, I'd have reservations about Elton's age, though it's purely because men tend to live shorter.
You know why, right? Because we WANT to :)

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Joj Y.:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
And yes, I'd have reservations about Elton's age, though it's purely because men tend to live shorter.
You know why, right? Because we WANT to :)
As you guys generally don't have ideas on what to do in life past a certain age ;) (although now that the blue pill is readily available...)
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Karolina Racławska:
mothers living with their mothers and bringing up kids in such a household should be/could be considered homosexual households'.
I never really looked at it that way but maybe growing up with 2 lesbian mothers might not be that different...

whatcha think??
I have plenty of examples of these families. it happened years ago and it happens now. haven't never though of it...
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Pudelek says (yes! I read it) that he couldn't adopt this boy as it was against Ukrainian law.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Joj Y.:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
And yes, I'd have reservations about Elton's age, though it's purely because men tend to live shorter.
You know why, right? Because we WANT to :)

That can be arranged. Just say when ;))

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Sylwia Łubkowska:
I have a feeling that Lev would have it better than in the orphanage.

I think this is very unfair to benchmark it against orphanage. Let's stop thinking this way. If one can give a real love to the kid, why do you find this love inferior?
Not all heterosexual families are perfect, actually none of them. Homosexual relationships are usually better balanced in terms of partnership.
Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Sylwia S.:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
I have a feeling that Lev would have it better than in the orphanage.

I think this is very unfair to benchmark it against orphanage. Let's stop thinking this way. If one can give a real love to the kid, why do you find this love inferior?
Not all heterosexual families are perfect, actually none of them. Homosexual relationships are usually better balanced in terms of partnership.

lol - r u kidding? Real love? I guess the kid would be just another toy of the old junkie. Usually better balanced? I've rather heard they are less stable.
Maybe normal families are not perfect but they're based on a perfect 'idea'. Homo families are simply imperfect by definition cuz r simply unnatural.

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Paweł Gąsior:
Sylwia S.:
Sylwia Łubkowska:
I have a feeling that Lev would have it better than in the orphanage.

I think this is very unfair to benchmark it against orphanage. Let's stop thinking this way. If one can give a real love to the kid, why do you find this love inferior?
Not all heterosexual families are perfect, actually none of them. Homosexual relationships are usually better balanced in terms of partnership.

lol - r u kidding? Real love?

yes, real, genuine love is something I will give to my kids.

I guess the kid would be just
another toy of the old junkie.

who is the old junkie then? elton john or a particular gay you know or maybe stereotype of lesbian that you have on your mind?

Usually better balanced? I've
rather heard they are less stable.

i am in such a relationship and can say that because we are not inclined to any role models in terms of what a female or a male should do, it is so much easier to balance modern attitudes to the whole thing. the partnership and equality are the essential ingredients. there is no issue with swapping the roles between each other anyway.
Maybe normal families are not perfect but they're based on a perfect 'idea'. Homo families are simply imperfect by definition cuz r simply unnatural.

what makes you think this way?

why is it so bad? since when love has been unnatural?Sylwia S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.09 o godzinie 13:32
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

My student yesterday told me that in the Netherlands there was a political alliance between the Pro-Paedophilia and the Pro-Zoophilia parties.
It worked well until the public turned against it, saying, sex with animals is cruel and the Pro-Zoophilia party had to leave the alliance.

The question here is: Where does liberalism go too far? The rules for adopting babies should be the same for gay and hetero couples. While talking about the topic and setting the rules, we should not loose track of common sense.
The concern is less about human rights and freedom, but the health and well-being of a child (or animal or person).

If your choice is to be gay then the consequence not being able to adopt a child comes with your choice. If you decide to undergo a castration you can't blame society for not being able to receive a child.
If you think the laws are unfair to you and your choice of life you can choose democratic measures and try to overcome the problem or simply move to a place more fit for your needs. Otherwise please accept the consequences of your choices and don't whine on my TV screen.

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Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Bernd Schreckenberg:
>> If your choice is to be gay then the consequence not being able to
adopt a child comes with your choice.

i wish my orientation was my choice:)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Elton John wants to adopt...

Sylwia S.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
>> If your choice is to be gay then the consequence not being able to
adopt a child comes with your choice.

i wish my orientation was my choice:)

I wouldn't be able to have an opinion about that. If you are born gay and you want rights you don't have in the place you are born, you'll have to fight for them as everybody else before you had to fight for theirs (Women's right to vote for instance).

But if you live in a place and then choose to be gay you can either try to change things or accept the consequence of your action. That's a totally different situation then the above.

As far as I would be willing to allow everything, a child's well being comes before an adult's right to adopt, IMHO.

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