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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Britain is ruled by sex:

What do you reckon?


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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

This reminds of pani Ola`s article on Polish girls/women who believe they won`t get pregnant if they don`t want to. Which means the problem is global.

I`d be interested in the statistics from other countries. I don`t think they would be much different.

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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Another source:

[...] Niestety w samej tylko Polsce porody nastolatek stanowią 7% ogólnej liczby porodów. [...]

Przedmiot powszechnie występujący pod nazwą ‘edukacji seksualnej' w Polsce nadal występuje pod płaszczykiem ‘wychowania do życia w rodzinie'. Trochę to obłudne biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że ci, którzy tak zaciekle bronią wprowadzenia odpowiedniej nazwy przedmiotu ( który przecież z założenia ma traktować głównie o seksie) przymykają oczy na stale rosnącą liczbę nieletnich mam.

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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

When I was at school, years back, teenage pregnancy was taboo. Still, one of my classmates got pregnant at 13, four more at 15, and there was a guy who fathered a child at 15 as well. I remember thinking he was still a kid and being surprised that such young people would even bother to have sex while there were so many more other interesting things to do ;)
My great-grandmother lived in a somewhat poor district of the town, with a lot of Gypsies; it wasn't unusual to see teenage girls with their babies strolling in the little park there. The sad truth is that I don't remember a single sex education lesson. Not a single one, really; not because I wasn't interested, but because there were none.

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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

This is quite an interesting case.

Alfie Patten - Dad at 13:


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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Go get 'em, Tiger.

I understand there are other contenders about who's the father.

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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Well, in this case it's all about the money. Maybe I am the father?

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Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Yep...probably right.

Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

I like freckles...
And ginger hair...
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Britain is ruled by sex:

Well, if you can't cook, you have to fill the time with other stuff, am I right?


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new law in Britain?

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