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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

You must have heard of anorexia and the body size misperception syndrome related to it. It turns out that obese people may have a similar syndrome:

(full text below)

I don't see obesity as a huge problem here in Poland but it sure is getting more common, especially amongst teenagers. Do you think we might one day turn into a nation of, erm, fat blobs? :)
Washington, Nov 18 : A new research has shown that some obese people misperceive that their body size is normal and think they don’t need to lose weight.

In the study of 5,893 people, researchers found that 8 percent of the 2,056 who were obese said they were satisfied with their body size or felt they could gain weight.

“Almost one in 10 obese individuals are satisfied with their body size and didn’t perceive that they need to lose weight,” said Tiffany Powell, M. D., lead author of the study and a cardiology fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

“That is a sizeable percentage who don’t understand they are overweight and believe they are healthy,” Powell added.

Participants included about 50 percent blacks, 20 percent Hispanics and 30 percent whites, similar to other urban populations, Powell said.

About half – 54 percent – were women. African Americans (14 percent) and Hispanics (11 percent) were significantly more likely than whites (2 percent) to be satisfied with their body size and believe that they did not need to lose weight.

Using the sex-specific Stunkard nine-figure scale, participants chose the figure that represented their present body size and the figure that represented their ideal body size. Self-perceived ideal body size was classified as below normal, normal and above normal.

Body size discrepancy, a measure of body size satisfaction, was calculated as the difference between self-perceived actual and self-perceived ideal body sizes.

Those with a misperception of body size believed they were healthy. But 35 percent of them had high blood pressure, 15 percent had high cholesterol, 14 percent had diabetes and 27 percent were current smokers.

These risk factors are similar to obese individuals who acknowledged they had a weight problem and needed to lose weight, Powell said.

Overall, 2 percent to 3 percent of the study population perceived an above-normal body size as ideal.

Compared to subjects who perceived their ideal body size as normal, those who perceived ideal body size to be above normal were more likely to be women, African American and had higher body mass index, blood pressure and higher insulin resistance.

The research has been presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2009. (ANI)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Body Size misperceptions

The accumulated fat just clamps the optical nerve, silly. One can't be afraid of what one can't see :P

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

lol :)

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

You know it here even better than I do, Tatiana. People will idle-sit in in their cars and stalk walkers on their ways to parking spots 30 meters closer. Don't wanna walk.

If it was your money, how many people out of ten would you insure for "life insurance?" I sat there in the shopping mall and played that game I made for myself waiting for my mom and sister about people walkin' on by. 8 out of ten? No thanks. It's really remarkable and getting worse.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.11.09 o godzinie 05:24

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

I say Joj Zamachowski is right. Give the man a bottle of Miller Lite! ;)

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

Ma man! Hey, Andrzej!

I'm buying them back for you.

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

Cheers, bro! Good to see you! Your English is getting better and better thanks to Anglosphere ;)

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

Miller light? oh man crappy american beer lol, the beer that makes me sad to say I am American.
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Body Size misperceptions

a n d r z e j C.:
Cheers, bro! Good to see you! Your English is getting better and better thanks to Anglosphere ;

Andrzej, hi! :-)

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Temat: Body Size misperceptions

Charles frey:
Miller light? oh man crappy american beer lol, the beer that makes me sad to say I am American.

Charles, look at the context. That was the first LITE beer that came to my mind. I think if you looked around, you'd find a lot more other things to make you sad you're American. What's your favorite beer? :)

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