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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Which sports do you like watching and playing?

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Guy C.:

When I was in Belgium I always played football. In fact I was a goalkeeper. The last years I was a goalkeeper trainer.
Not a very high level (premier league) but it was 2 or 3 times a week training + the Sunday game.
So I like football. But more to play then to watch it.
And you Warren ? You played football ?

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Guy C.:
So I like football. But more to play then to watch it.
And you Warren ? You played football ?

I used to play five-a-side.

But I've got fat and lazy.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Playing: I started with playing football when I was 9. Immediately I started as a goalkeeper.
I was 16 when I played in the first team. I ended when I was 32 because I was afraid for injuries. And I follewed a course for goalkeeping trainers in the Netherlands.
So after my goalkeeping-career I started as a goalkeeper trainer.

When we arrived in Warsaw, I gave some goalkeeping training on interested kids (it was an association of the American/Britisch school every Saturday morning)

I played also football in hall (also as a goalkeeper)

I like to watch football, tennis, sometimes some athletics. But I'm not addicted to it. It depends of the teams/athletes.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I'm quite addicted to watching football, which I suppose is typically British.

The last time I actually played football must be about ten years ago.

Like yourself, I usually played in goal.

My doctor said I must start exercising because I have circulation problems with my legs.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.08 o godzinie 21:17

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I bought here in Poland a treadmill and if I have time I will run on it for 45 min. It's more jogging (8 km/h)
I feel very good with that !

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I forgot to mention - I'm quite good at chess.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I've played some football when I was a kid in Poland, after moving to states I played basketball for a little bit. I always liked ping pong a whole lot and was always really good at it… then I discovered the opposite sex and completely lost interest in sports.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

And about watching:

Football (of course).
Rugby (a more exciting game than football IMHO)

Nothing else really interests me.

Watching cricket is like watching paint dry.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Rafal W.:
I've played some football when I was a kid in Poland, after moving to states I played basketball for a little bit. I always liked ping pong a whole lot and was always really good at it… then I discovered the opposite sex and completely lost interest in sports.
Rafal ... At home we have a pingpong table and I like it also very much. My kids always try to beat me ... without success :))

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

warren whitmore:
I forgot to mention - I'm quite good at chess.
Chess ... I know the principles and I can play a game ... but I'm a beginner and loose from my kids :)

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Guy C.:
Rafal ... At home we have a pingpong table and I like it also very much. My kids always try to beat me ... without success :))

I can also play ping pong, and have played against my kids.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Guy C.:

Rafal ... At home we have a pingpong table and I
like it also very much. My kids always try to beat me ... without
success :))

Nice one, I used to play in school a lot, actually placed 2nd in my school right after my best friend. This is years ago though, I used to play against my boss after work from time to time... he thought he was good haha...
It's a fun sport... unfortunately it's treated as a joke on this side of the pond.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Guy C.:
warren whitmore:
I forgot to mention - I'm quite good at chess.
Chess ... I know the principles and I can play a game ... but I'm a beginner and loose from my kids :)

As I think you realise I'm pretty addicted to the internet.

Before going on discussion boards I spent all my free time playing chess online.

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

As I think you realise I'm pretty addicted to the internet.

Before going on discussion boards I spent all my free time playing chess online.
I will even not try to beat you :)

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I love football since I was kid. When I was 12-15 I played in local Football Junior Team (Unia Nowa Sarzyna :) )
Now I play football at times with some guys from my village.
I have problem with my knee and my doctor said I should't play Football anymore :( It is problem becouse I love it.
I used to play ping pong - I remember that i was good (but not the best) - I have a friend who was always better than me :)
During my studies i played basketball for four years and i was really good - unfortunately after studies I started my work and I don't have time for that :(
Marcin Swider

Marcin Swider Senior Credit
Manager, Citigroup

Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Cricket!!! - I always check the results and also play occasionally with friends... watching is difficult, it takes a lot of time... ;)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

I love playing football, but I'm far too unfit to be useful, apart from the occasional flash of brilliance, the beauty of which brings a tear to the crowd's eye.

I watch football when I can, and the Six Nations (which used to be called the Five Nations and Italy), and I watch athletics if it's on.

I know the moves of chess, and can plan as much as one move ahead.

I hate basketball, and ice hockey, although women's field hockey, and women's volleyball are great!

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Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Keith Byrne:
I hate basketball, and ice hockey, although women's field hockey, and women's volleyball are great!
I now officially hate Keith.

I used to play hoops on a semi pro level, well semi-semi pro to be honest. I was even quite good at it.

I like volleyball. I'm not as good at it as I wish I was, but I do enjoy watching it. Ok, I hate Keith a bit less now.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Which sports do you play and watch?

Jarek, don't take it personally! I'm too short (and have knees of granite!) for Basketball and I can't even hit a volleyball. Ice hockey is unheard of in Ireland, so I don't watch it.

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