konto usunięte

Temat: Agilopolis Community Conference / Wroclaw 18.06.2009

Agilopolis Community Conference is only few weeks away! Time for discussion and knowledge sharing is just few steps away. Please be invited to Hotel Jana Pawla 2 at 18.06! The main idea of Agilopolis Conference is to be a counter part for Agilopolis Community Day with more formal content and larger scale.

Please book your time for this unforgettable event.

It is planned to hold two lectures (1*45min, 1*90min) and panel where our experts are going to discuss differences between standard and agile project management methods.

At the same time, it would be a great time to mingle with your peers in Wroclaw.

Please check attached invitation for conference schedule, speakers, lectures description, venue and registration guide.


Registration, venue and travel guidelines

Agilopolis Community Conference will be held Wroclaw’s city center at Hotel Jana Pawła 2.

Hotel Jana Pawla 2
ul. Świętego Idziego 2
50-328 Wrocław

Please check attached map for travel guidelines.

Registration and more information available at:

Conference fee in order to cover room and coffee:
20 PLN if paid by bank transfer before conference;
30 PLN at the day of conference.

Bank account:
74 1140 2004 0000 3702 6072 1302
mBank, Odział Bankowości Detalicznej BRE Banku S.A

Agilopolis Team