Temat: Strategia rozwoju

Jaką strategie wybrać dla własnego lokalu gastronomicznego
Witold Zalewski

Witold Zalewski Prezes, Effective
Management Polska Sp

Temat: Strategia rozwoju

Restaurants that are successful, have following rules

Copyright : Witold T.Zalewski- Chef de création cuisine

I have worked in hospitality for awhile, and I find that what distinguishes quality operations from those that struggle is a failure to focus on the guest and the guest experience. The restaurant industry is one of the most competitive retail categories but is still a retail category where independent businesses can thrive and the "barriers to entry" are surmountable.
Restaurants that are sucessfull have following characteristics, and these characteristics support high patronage amongst a core group of customers that will frequent the restaurant from 2-5 times/month, at least in the beginning. This level of patronage is necessary to provide the cash flow needed to stabilize the risk involved in openinga restaurant. Remember the 80/20 rule?--80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. Ignore this at your peril.
The rules are:

1. Relatively appealing cuisine that isn't too specialized; food that is attractive to a large number of people--Italian, Mexican, and "American," seem to work best. You want at least 100 customers/nite. These days Thai food is moving into this category. Chinese seems to have lost its appeal. Restaurants like Indian, Caribbean, etc. are just a bit too specialized, and therefore don't get the weekly or at least a couple times/month patronage that such restaurants need especially when they are located in emerging commercial districts.

2. Good food; it doesn't have to be stunning but it better be good. (Perhaps Mexican restaurants illustrate this point the best.)

3. Good, good plus, or better service; waiting isn't fun, and neither is dealing with a server that doesn't help you get what you want with a modicum (ideally none) of problems.

4. Competitively priced; you can't have drinks at $8 or most of your entrees costing $13-$20. If your prices aren't competitive and maybe a little less expensive than the market, you won't get that frequent patronage that is necessary for your success. Pitchers of margaritas or sangria are good, maybe not pitchers of beer, which seem to attract a rowdier more alcohol-centered clientele.

5. Nice interior; it doesn't have to be stunning or a $300,000 interior renovation, but it can't be threadbare, and it has to be appealing.

6. Understanding that you work for the guest, because after all, that's who pays everybody. (I know a restauranteur desperately trying to build his bar business, but he adamantly believes that "soft rock"--remakes of the Beatles and Supertramp, and the occasional Carpenters song is the music that should be played.

7. Listening to guests and employees.

8. Taking in and responding to this feedback. If you don't respond, listening doesn't matter.

9. Never fool yourself about what quality is. We all know the saying "You can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Well, if you are the proprietor of a small business, you can never afford to fool yourself. If you don't provide quality and you refuse to accept the truth, whose fault is failure?

10. Focus on what matters. Until you ensure that your production, service, and ordering and inventory systems work and are robust, gloss (such as balloons) is a waste of your time and energy.

11. Developing robust training and production systems. This sets you up for success by reducing the likelihood of error. Weak systems put you behind before you even open your doors to today's customers

12. Having a sound business model. Understand your metrics. Have a (business) plan based on reality and develop your business and marketing plan accordingly. It's possible to (re)build service and production systems if they are flawed. But a business model that can never yield profits is unworkable.

13. Perseverance and continuous process improvement. To repeat: to stay the same is to fall behind, because your competitors are constantly improving and new places are always opening.

Temat: Strategia rozwoju

odnośnie strategii rozwoju. Pod poniższym linkiem prezentuję informację o Naszej ostatniej realizacji http://www.prestauracja.pl/index.php/2010/07/nowy-wize...

przytaczam tą informację, gdyż pokazuje ona jak można odświeżać prowadzony biznes.
Poza tym istotne jest założenie biznesowe opierające się na tezie iż dotychczasowi klienci sieci Piccolo będą zadowoleni ze zmiany wizerunkowej z drugiej strony celujemy w nową klientelę wybierającą lokale fast food ale z troszkę wyższej półki.

Na uwagę zasługuje także świadomość właścicieli, którzy nie tylko nastawiają się na realizowanie zysków ale mają "otwartą głowę" na zmiany.

Ciekawy jestem waszej opinii.


Temat: Strategia rozwoju

Witam Wszystkich,

jeśli chcecie uruchomić biznes gastronomiczny w oparciu o opracowany i sprawdzony koncept zapraszam do kontaktu z Naszą firmą.

W chwili obecnej mamy do zaoferowania 3 koncepty gastronomiczne.

1 - sprofilowany na młode matki - bistro kawiarnia, koncept uruchomiony
2 - sprofilowany na klientów w wieku 28-50 - restauracja z kuchnią TEX MEX, koncept uruchomiony
3 - fast food, koncept przygotowany do uruchomienia

osoby zainteresowane proszę o kontakt e mail (ml@conceptteam.pl).

Jako Conceptteam wspieramy inwestorów, prowadzimy ich przez cały proces inwestycji aż do uruchomienia biznesu.


PS. Widzę, iż poprzednie wpisy nie zainspirowały nikogo więc może taka informacja handlowa kogoś zainteresuje.

Temat: Strategia rozwoju

Właśnie zakończyliśmy projekt w Warszawie, klient postawił przed nami zadanie zmiany deficytowej kawiarni w rentowną restaurację.

Miałem przyjemność prezentować ten projekt kilka tygodni temu na konferencji Foodcamp.

Załączam link do prezentowanego materiału:


Na uwagę zasługuje fakt, iż w wyniku Naszej pracy klient odnotowuje dzienny wzrost obrotów o 400%

Temat: Strategia rozwoju


w ramach kryptoreklamy zachęcam was do lektury artykułu mojego wspólnika Witolda Zalewskiego.

Nie chcę pisać, że jest super. Chciałbym abyście sami go ocenili i opisali.

Link: http://rynekhoreca.pl/a782-restauracja-20-wedlug-googl...



Temat: Strategia rozwoju


może was zainteresuje mój artykuł jaki ukazał się na portalu horecanet.pl i w Nowościach Gastronomicznych.

Link: http://www.horecanet.pl/Ogrodek-restauracyjny-z-fantaz...

Pozdrawiam i miłej lektury.

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