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Temat: Your business email experiences.

Here is a space to share your business english emails experiences :)
So come on, don't be shy,
What is your story/experience?
Can be good or bad.
We are are here to learn anyway!

Krzysztof Dargiewcz
Magdalena Jarek

Magdalena Jarek Certified SAP
Financial Associate

Temat: Your business email experiences.

I'm not sure whether we say "in short notice" or "at short notice". Anyone has a clue?
Maciej Durczewski

Maciej Durczewski właściciel, P&R
Image Agencja Public

Temat: Your business email experiences.

'at short notice' is correct

'in short notice' have not heard

possible also

'on short notice'

see http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/on+short+noticeMaciej Durczewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.10 o godzinie 17:25

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Temat: Your business email experiences.

I'm not very experienced in this field but I heard that one has to be careful with dates. It's better to write a name of a month in order to avoid confusion with numerals, e.g June 7 (not 07/06, 06/07, 7/6, 6/7). Am I correct?
Maciej Durczewski

Maciej Durczewski właściciel, P&R
Image Agencja Public

Temat: Your business email experiences.

Dear Paulina,

You will be right to be careful. This is an Anglo-American company culture difference which can be resolved by using full month name or the 3 letter ab. like 03/Mar/2010...

good luck

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