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Temat: Sunday News by coffee returns.


Guess what, its Sunday! Which means Sunday News by coffee return!

I saw the Chile miners rescue yesterday on BBC and thought it would be a good subject
to touch upon, especially in terms of motivation.


Those miners have been trapped in there for over 2 months, how do you think
they sticked it out?
What kept them going?

Most replied it was the love for the families, girlfriends, kids,
god or simple sense of being a part of something bigger

Watch the story below, as it is a tale of bravery and tremendous patience,
BBC called it "coming out of the darkness into the light":

Now in our everyday jobs when it's raining outside or the commute took us over an hour in the traffic
and we just could not care less to work,
think about those miners.

Have a great Sunday and rest of the week!

Krzysztof Dargiewicz
Założyciel "Angielski w Biznesie"
Business English Trener
Studia w Anglii - doradztwo


1. to touch upon something- poruszyć/"dotknąć" pewien temat
2. to be trapped in- być zamkniętym/uwięzionym
3. stick something out- przetrzymać/wytrzymać coś
4. keep on going - kontynuować, trwać dalej
5. to be a part of something bigger- być częścią większego celu(np. wolontariusze)
6. tale- opowieść
7. tremendous- niezwykły/ogromny
8. commute- dojazd do pracy/szkoły
9. I could not care less - absolutny brak ochoty/motywacjiKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.10.10 o godzinie 11:50

konto usunięte

Temat: Sunday News by coffee returns.

I am so happy that Sunday Coffee News has returned!!! :))))

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Temat: Sunday News by coffee returns.

You get what you asked for :)

Następna dyskusja:

Sunday news by coffee.

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