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Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

Hi all,
On the request of one of the group members
(thank you Aleksandra)

I am sharing some valuable links about the earlier mentioned
book "James Borg - Art of Persuasion."
It's been a crazy summer for me in the USA
but I will keep this updates running.

If you find a relevant blog, podcast, video about James Borg's work
feel free to contribute here.

Happy reading!



2. Video "Art of persuasion"

3. Articles

4. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_...

5. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/managem...Krzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.08.09 o godzinie 17:17
Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel

Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel Internal
Specialist w

Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

I'll be grateful to all of you for information about possibility to read more chapters from this book anywhere in internet OR possibility to buy it somewhere in Poland (allegro, merlin and so on :-)

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Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel:
I'll be grateful to all of you for information about possibility to read more chapters from this book anywhere in internet OR possibility to buy it somewhere in Poland (allegro, merlin and so on :-)

You can always check on books.google.com
Lots of different books in different languages can be found there. You cannot download the books, but you can read them online :)

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Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

well, you've persuaded me to look for more on youtube and perhaps read a bit about persuasion

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Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

I bought "Persuasion" Jane Austen yesterday (because it's thin book ^^)for learning english throught the reading:)
Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel

Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel Internal
Specialist w

Temat: James Borg - Art of Persuasion.

I've just found part of the firs chapter of this book :-)

And here a little more :-)
Thank you Justyna for the suggestion about google books :-)

Would you like to read it and talk about these parts of the book?Aleksandra Gruca-Endzel edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.09 o godzinie 16:00

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