konto usunięte

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Hey guys,
I have an interesting project going on
for advertising agency in London and need your opinions.

If you are in the advertising business as well
tell me what kind of campaigns do you do,
do you work with press,tv, radio or just the Internet?

What tools do you use?

What is your favorite achievement or campaign
that you are proud to be a part of?

I understand the privacy of each of your companies
and do not ask you to tell me corporate secrets,

it would just be a huge advantage for me to know
where you are coming from
and those who will just watch it
can learn some interesting facts
and develop their business english skills.

So, who wants to go first? :)

Chris DargiewiczKrzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.04.09 o godzinie 19:54

konto usunięte

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Nobody wants to be first...

Maybe me? :)

I was working in advertising business as a deputy director of the marketing and advertising department. Now I have a break, however in about 2 months I will be looking for some new adventures with marketing and PR:)

Actually, I was working with all of mentioned media - press, tv, radio, Internet and also outdoore media (press advertisements, tv and radio commercials, billboards and mobile advertisements, ex. on the trams, busses, etc). I was also responsible for part of media relations and public relations activities. In my department we was trying to connect all of those activities for our company, cooperating companies and for our business clients.

The achievement I'm proud the most is the conference about Polish real marked organized by my company. I was responsible for all activities coordination:) It was a big challange and great expierience for me.

So, who's next? :)

konto usunięte

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Nice Gosia,
Thank you for being brave!

Well done.

So as Gosia said, who is next?
Basia P.

Basia P. reklama/szkolenia

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

All right, I'm going next :)

The agency I work for deals with clients form both the public sector and commercial arena ;). There are some pros and cons to working with both, too. One of the more interesting projects, however, was the ad campaign for an internet marketing company. We relied strongly on outdoor as well as event marketing. It was successful and also quite well remembered.

I had a really good time working on it.


konto usunięte

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Hey there:)

I will be working in ceramic company as a marketing specialist, I m interested in any kind of help ( any advice ) witch can improve my skills and also a person who starts adventure with marketing.

Anna G.

Anna G. digital for social

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Aleksandra, congratulations on your new job! What exactly are you
going to be doing marketing-wise at the company? If you let me know more details perhaps I can recommend some online materials that could help you get going :)

Will you be using English in your day-to-day work?


AnnaAnna G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.05.09 o godzinie 09:13
Katarzyna Waga

Katarzyna Waga specjalista ds.

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Witam wszystkich,
mam pytanie o znaczenie wyrażenia "edge promotion". Nie moge rozgryźć o co chodzi. Będę wdzięczna za wszystkie sugestie!
Anna G.

Anna G. digital for social

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

A jaki kontekst? Bo o 'edge promotion' jako takim tez nie slyszalam... chyba, ze to dosc nieudolnie nazwana 'promocja poboczna' ;) Nie bylo przypadkiem jeszcze jednego slowka przed 'edge'? Podaj moze zdanie cale/kontekst, to wymyslimy :)Anna G. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.07.09 o godzinie 14:07
Katarzyna Waga

Katarzyna Waga specjalista ds.

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Kontekst niestety nie jest rozbudowany "you can use logo in EDGE promotion". Może to być skrót?
Z góry dzięki za pomoc!
Sylwia Kruk

Sylwia Kruk trener angielskiego

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

nie ma czegoś takiego jak EDGE promotion, bynajmniej jako ogólnoprzyjęte pojęcie. może to być nazwa własna, np. promocja produktu o nazwie EDGE. nie możesz po prostu zapytać tego, kto to napisał? jeśli nie, to ja bym założyła, że chodzi o taką promocję o jaką w danej sytuacji może chodzić w jak najszerszym sensie.
Maciej Durczewski

Maciej Durczewski właściciel, P&R
Image Agencja Public

Temat: If you work in an advertising agency...

Katarzyna Waga:
Kontekst niestety nie jest rozbudowany "you can use logo in EDGE promotion". Może to być skrót?
Z góry dzięki za pomoc!

A jest to tekst związany z technologiami komórkowymi???

Następna dyskusja:

"Innovation"- the eBay stor...

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