Monica Thomas

Monica Thomas Dyrektor, Ad Lib
Solutions Limited

Temat: Eye-candy or Old Spice goes viral

Just when it seemed that Old Spice has totally lost its battle against Gillette, they've come back with a marketing campaign that went instantly viral on YouTube.

I particularly like the disclaimer: 'We're not saying this body wash will make your man smell into a romantic millionaire jet fighter pilot, but we are insinuating it.'

Also, there are two interesting posts about the campaign on Josh Klein's blog:

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Temat: Eye-candy or Old Spice goes viral

Thanks for the share Monica... I guess that is especially appealing to the female group members :)
Karolina O.

Karolina O. Project Management /
Teamworking / People
oriented manager

Temat: Eye-candy or Old Spice goes viral

Brilliant! I love it!

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