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Temat: Business skills series.

Hi everyone,
I want to start offering business skills tutorial for your personal needs.

Please tell me in what areas of business english are you the weakest?

Is it:
1. Writing business emails
2. Making phone conversations
3. Making presentations
4. Customer service

or any other area you are having problems with?

You can reply here or send me an email at:

I will then build a newsletter with useful words, situations
and send it to the interested members.

Remember the more you tell me about your needs
the more you will get out of it!

I look forward to speaking with you and sharing business english knowledge,

Krzysztof Dargiewicz
business english coach
marketing communications consultant
Paulina S.

Paulina S. człowiek od reklamy,
sprzedaży i
ludzkiego podejścia
do b...

Temat: Business skills series.

making presentations
Ewa K.

Ewa K. Wsparcie Działu

Temat: Business skills series.

Thank you for your invitation. According to your question I suggest to put in materials about writting business e-mails and provide phone conversations especially using words connected with law.



konto usunięte

Temat: Business skills series.

Great idea :)

Anything will be useful but I would personally ask for words connected with new technologies, strategies, ecology and company expansion.

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes!

Temat: Business skills series.

Great initiative :)

Honestly - I am interested in improvement in all mentioned by you areas. I just would like to stay in touch with business english, as actually I am not using it every day...:(

Have a nice day!
Magdalena Piasecka

Magdalena Piasecka Asystentka Zarządu
Materne-Polska Sp. z

Temat: Business skills series.


For me, the most useful will be:

writing business emails & making phone conversations


Piotr Sus

Piotr Sus IS Senior Manager,
Desktop Engineering

Temat: Business skills series.

Cultural differences. I had many times situation when my email was recognized as not nice. The same email sent to polish colleague seems to be enough polite.

konto usunięte

Temat: Business skills series.

Hi Krzysztof, hello All,

I'm glad I enjoyed the group as I'm interested in improving my English used everyday at work.
Congratulations of your fantastic initiative but I must say I'm a bit worried that it's not working in here. I believe that such break in active participating from your side in this group is caused only because you're very busy with creating the 'newsletter' for us ;)
I'm looking forward to read some clues about points that you've mentioned, especially for now point 1. would be more useful for me which is "writing business e-mails".

Best Regards,

Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

Paulina S.:
making presentations

Hi there. My name's Jay and I'm a Business English teacher. As far as making presentations is concerned, the first few things I would suggest to you are the following:

* Respect your audience
* Keep eye contact with your audience (keeping eye contact in English speaking countries is a sign you're telling the truth)
* Maintain good body language

These are common sense, I know, but many times people forget about them and remain absorbed in the presentation, and end up ignoring the audience. These 3 points are just as equally important as the command you have over the language you are giving the presentation in.

However, before I offer any further advice, may I ask what sort of presentation you are talking about? Is it a specific subject or just presentations in general?

Hope to hear from you soon :)
Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

Magdalena Piasecka:

For me, the most useful will be:

writing business emails & making phone conversations



Hey Magda,

While the newsletter will contain extremely useful information and tips on writing business emails and telephone conversations, here's a link concerning business emails for you to check out in the meantime. Students of mine have found it particularly helpful.

http://vodpod.com/watch/1531718-esl-business-writing-v... (This video is the first in a small series of 8-10 minute videos and looks at tone of emails, what information to include, and error correction)

Hope it helps for now :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Business skills series.

Jay Sivyer:
Magdalena Piasecka:

For me, the most useful will be:

writing business emails & making phone conversations



Hey Magda,

While the newsletter will contain extremely useful information and tips on writing business emails and telephone conversations, here's a link concerning business emails for you to check out in the meantime. Students of mine have found it particularly helpful.

http://vodpod.com/watch/1531718-esl-business-writing-v... (This video is the first in a small series of 8-10 minute videos and looks at tone of emails, what information to include, and error correction)

Hope it helps for now :)


I've just watched it. In deed, it's very helpful. I have only one comment. The narrator changed the word "Client" used by Simon as a mistake of using big letter. But I think that point of using it was to show his respect for a client, even if the client is not an adressee of e-mail.

What you think?


Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

Elżbieta K.:
Jay Sivyer:
Magdalena Piasecka:

For me, the most useful will be:

writing business emails & making phone conversations



Hey Magda,

While the newsletter will contain extremely useful information and tips on writing business emails and telephone conversations, here's a link concerning business emails for you to check out in the meantime. Students of mine have found it particularly helpful.

http://vodpod.com/watch/1531718-esl-business-writing-v... (This video is the first in a small series of 8-10 minute videos and looks at tone of emails, what information to include, and error correction)

Hope it helps for now :)


I've just watched it. In deed, it's very helpful. I have only one comment. The narrator changed the word "Client" used by Simon as a mistake of using big letter. But I think that point of using it was to show his respect for a client, even if the client is not an adressee of e-mail.

What you think?



Hi Ela,

The best way to answer it is to say that we only use capital letters for proper nouns: a person's name, a place name, and special names like Easter, Monday, August, etc.

It is fair enough to think that using a capital letter will be a show of respect; however, in an English email it will only come across as an error.


konto usunięte

Temat: Business skills series.

Jay Sivyer:
Elżbieta K.:
Jay Sivyer:
Magdalena Piasecka:

For me, the most useful will be:

writing business emails & making phone conversations



Hey Magda,

While the newsletter will contain extremely useful information and tips on writing business emails and telephone conversations, here's a link concerning business emails for you to check out in the meantime. Students of mine have found it particularly helpful.

http://vodpod.com/watch/1531718-esl-business-writing-v... (This video is the first in a small series of 8-10 minute videos and looks at tone of emails, what information to include, and error correction)

Hope it helps for now :)


I've just watched it. In deed, it's very helpful. I have only one comment. The narrator changed the word "Client" used by Simon as a mistake of using big letter. But I think that point of using it was to show his respect for a client, even if the client is not an adressee of e-mail.

What you think?



Hi Ela,

The best way to answer it is to say that we only use capital letters for proper nouns: a person's name, a place name, and special names like Easter, Monday, August, etc.

It is fair enough to think that using a capital letter will be a show of respect; however, in an English email it will only come across as an error.


Ok, thanks!

But, still- we talk only about business e-mails in here, right? It is different, for example in agreements, when one of the side is contractor named "Client"?


Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

Elżbieta K.:

Ok, thanks!

But, still- we talk only about business e-mails in here, right? It is different, for example in agreements, when one of the side is contractor named "Client"?




If a client has signed a contract or agreement, then that person/client (as far as the business is concerned) sometimes adopts the name of Client. This is why in various business and more so in legal contracts you see things such as "the Client has agreed to..." etc.

As far as the video tutorial went, the tone of the email did not suggest the use of a capital for client. In all honesty, I would only use "Client" if you are referring to official documents, especially if you are in the legal system.

It's a fine line, I have to admit, but in regards to normal business emails (not legal ones) it is not common to use Client instead of client.

Sorry there is no hard and fast rule for this.


Temat: Business skills series.

Elżbieta K.:

Ok, thanks!

But, still- we talk only about business e-mails in here, right? It is different, for example in agreements, when one of the side is contractor named "Client"?



Just like Jay says.

Think of it this way: in an agreement there may be a lot of 'contractors' mentioned. But only one is referred to as 'Contractor' with a capital letter - that's the main contractor whose involved in the agreement as one of the Parties. All other contractors are spelled with small letters.
Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

Justyna Ł.:
Great idea :)

Anything will be useful but I would personally ask for words connected with new technologies, strategies, ecology and company expansion.

Thanks in advance!

Best wishes!

Hi there :)

Here's a couple of links to get your started:

(This one is a general technology glossary)

(This one is too, but it is broken down into subjects)

(This site is good for general business terms)

(And this is concerning ecology)

Hope these help for now. If you have any further questions, or want some direction for lessons, etc., let me know.

Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: Business skills series.

For anyone who is interested in the basic format of a business letter in English, this site is a good place to start:


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