konto usunięte

Temat: "Back to work" - Business Ethics.

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and "All Saints Day",
for the "Back to work" day I decided to discuss the topic of Business Ethics


Now you might have heard this term before (I am sure 100s of times)
CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility.
What does it mean?
In the simplified version:
Working towards giving back to the community, being responsible at work,
and looking at the big picture, scope of problems that we can [/b]tackle[/b]
to ensure that we build stustainable future for the next generations.

Sounds like a lot of corporate BS but in all honesty
its a noble goal, that should be part of every organization's mission statement and strategy.

While browsing through the net for a case study, I found
a whole CSR organization in Poland, this specific case one relates to Alma Power
where managers took action in promoting a non-smoking environment.

Then, I stumbled upon a blog created by Loic Bonnaillie - Online Marketing Manager for a French company, who studied about Business Ethics in the USA.

You can read more:

He writes about various values, such as:
1. Empathy
2. Ability to listen
3. Humility
4. Fairness
5. value of life

Think about how you can contribute to CSR at your company.
In the end its about how much we give back.

Have a good rest of the week,

Please email me if you have any questions, suggestions about the group,
or any other business english problems.

Krzysztof Dargiewicz
Założyciel "Angielski w Biznesie"


1. CSR - społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu
2. simplified - uproszczony
3. look at the big picture - zwrócić uwagę na "szerszą perspektywę", "horyzonty"
4. scope - zakres
5. tackle- pokonać; (w sporcie) pokonać, chwytać przeciwnika
6. ensure- upewnić się;zapewnić
7. sustainable- zrównoważony, nienaruszający równowagi środowiska
8. BS-"bullshit" - wciskać komuś kit
9. in all honesty - tak na prawdę
10. noble - szlachetny
11. mission statement - strategia,"misja" danej firmy
12. relate to - odnosić się do
13. take action - podjąć działanie, przedsiemwziąć
14. stumble upon - wpaść na; odnaleźć przez przypadek
15. humility - pokora, skromnośćKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.11.10 o godzinie 10:48