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Temat: 3. Fenomen Susan Boyle - czyli Marketing Szeptany w...


Susan Boyle became the most unexpected
participant of the highly popular "Britain Got Talent" UK TV show.

When she appeared on the stage the audience laughed at her
and did not expect anything special from her performance.
But once she opened her mouth to sing
tears started flowing and the audience went mad.

She stunned both the judges ("The biggest yes I have given
in the history of our show" commented one of them)
and captivated the audience who became instant fans of her singing.

After only a week
her YouTube video hit over 40 million views
and she already had major record labels
offering to record a music album with her.

Now that is what I would like to call
"Word of mouth marketing"

What about you?

Think about how you can create something
that was never expected before
that will gain instant fan base

You might be the next Susan Boyle.

But remember poor quality
of your product or service
will equal in poor levels of prospect conversion
attention and sales
and in the end
that is the most important factor of your marketing strategies, right?

Autor tekstu:
Krzysztof Dargiewicz

doradca marketingu społecznościowego
projektant i wykonawca prezentacji biznesowych

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http://www.guywithideas.comKrzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.04.09 o godzinie 23:18