Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Entrepreneur,
Investor, Speaker,
Host, Podcaster

Temat: on line/f2f virtual assistants in Poland


I've just been reading the Tim Ferriss best seller The Four Hour Work Week talks about the wisdom of having a virtual assistant VA

I thought I'd give it a try, but as quite a lot of work I do is in Poland, I'd look for someone with native Polish skills as well as good English, rather than using Brickworks in India

My questions - are there any good VA companies in Poland - like ? if so please post links here on the forum

As quite a lot of the task that need doing would be in Krakow, where my businesses are based, I have a preference for Krakow, as I need face to face contact when there are problems to solve.

I think I prefer a company to an individual in case people get sick take other jobs etc, but for individual projects take a look at the link
on my web page


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Temat: on line/f2f virtual assistants in Poland

Hi Richard,

to be honest I've not heard of VA Company in Poland, but there is one which may work for you:

If it's hard to read in polish let me know, I'll drop a short translation for you.

Cheers.Agnieszka R. edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.08.11 o godzinie 12:15
Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Entrepreneur,
Investor, Speaker,
Host, Podcaster

Temat: on line/f2f virtual assistants in Poland

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