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Temat: WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. March7, 2014 – 09

WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. March7, 2014 – 09

McClatchy: FBI Probing Alleged Removal of Documents from CIA by Senate Staffers
Summary: For several years, the Senate Intelligence Committee has been investigating the CIA’s “use of harsh interrogation techniques on suspected terrorists in secret overseas detention centers,” which has culminated in a lengthy report that reportedly cost $40 million.

Nansen Center: 'The Whistleblower' Shown in Sarajevo and Mostar
United Nations whistleblower Kathryn Bolkovac recently returned to Bosnia to speak at a showing of the film The Whistleblower, which is based on her experiences blowing the whistle on illegal sex trafficking at the UN peacekeeping mission in that country.

The Wrap: Playboy Must Pay $6 Million in Largest Federal Whistleblower Verdict
Summary: A California jury has found that Playboy Enterprises retaliated against a whistleblower for reporting, inside the company, alleged fraud involving improper bonuses for executives. The jury awarded her $6 million in damages under Sarbanes-Oxley, which is believed to be the largest award provided under that law in its history.

USA Today: Justices Give Whistleblower Protections to Contractors
Summary: On Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled that contractors of publicly-traded companies enjoy whistleblower protections outlined by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, written in the wake of the Enron scandal. Previously, only direct employees of publicly-traded companies were unambiguously covered under the law.

CBS News: Edward Snowden, NSA Whistleblower, to Speak at South by Southwest
Summary: NSA whistleblower and GAP client Edward Snowden will be speaking via video conference at the 2014 South by Southwest Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas on Monday. He will be discussing the impact of NSA's "spying efforts on the technology community and how to protect data from mass surveillance." The session will be live-streamed.

Indianapolis Business Journal: Feds Find Numerous Issues at State Workplace-Safety Agency
Summary: A report issued yesterday by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – the culmination of a nearly year-long investigation – has found that the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration (IOSHA), according to the article, “mishandled complaints, put its inspectors under strict time constraints, failed to help whistleblowers and even declined to inspect an Indianapolis Power & Light plant last spring after workers reported a dust explosion.”

The Guardian: Rolls-Royce Sets Up Whistleblower Hotline for Staff with Bribery Concerns
Summary: In response to a criminal investigation looking at corruption involving bribery in Indonesian and China, the Rolls-Royce company has instituted a 24-hour whistleblower hotline in 48 countries (where it operates) to report bribery concerns.

Daily Nation (Kenya): How Somalia Aid Cash Funds Al-Shabaab
Summary: Rasna Warah, investigative journalist at The Daily Nation in Kenya, has exposed widespread diversion of international aid funds for Somalia to militia groups including Al-Shabaab. According to the article, nearly “$700 million of donor funds, mostly from Arab countries, are unaccounted for during this 13-year period.”

Salon: Idaho Passes Industry-Backed Ag Gag Bill
Summary: Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter signed the state's anti-whistleblower Ag Gag bill on Friday. His signature came shortly after yogurt company Chobani, which sources some of its dairy from Idaho, came out against the bill and urged the governor's veto.

West Virginia Record: State False Claims Act Dies in House
Summary: Last week, the West Virginia House of Delegates voted down the institution of a state False Claims Act, legislation which would have incentivized whistleblowers to come forward with evidence of fraud against the state, in return for a percentage of money recovered. The article does an excellent job of detailing the fight over the legislation preceding the vote.

See: http://www.whistleblower.org/