Justyna Hołubowicz

Justyna Hołubowicz Student, Uniwersytet
im. Adama
Mickiewicza w

Temat: Books for Verbal Victory - relacja ze spotkania klubu...

On 21st March Toastmasters Verbal Victory Club had its
meeting in Toastmasters tradition in a unique location. As this was
March’s special event we were waiting in anticipation for Monday.

University Of Adam Mickiewicz’s British Library established
in cooperation with British Council became a host for the evening to
a group of ambitious speakers. The Library, part of the British
Council Library Network, has been established in 1986 in Poznań.
Its resources contain a wide variety of British authors and poets,
reference materials for language learners and students, compendiums,
audiobooks and a collection of educational and movie DVDs. We were
warmly welcomed by the head of the library, Joanna Kopel and staff.

The meeting started early – 4 pm - with a slight delay due to the
unusual location. Jerzy Zientkowski, Club President, was
Toastmaster of the Evening and played well the topic of the meeting
which was “Books for Verbal Victory”. The first part,
Table-Topics session, had the participants answering questions about
their favourite books and negotiating with your publisher. There
were two prepared speeches that evening – both of them early
projects from Competent Communicator manuals. Daniel Mendalka
in his second speech titled “Dare to listen” touched upon the
importance of being an able listener and gave thought-provoking
examples of misguided communication. Krystian Rother in his
third speech titled “Minister of Self-Defence” presented a
case-study on academic citation and scientific duty basing on the
example of the recently defamed German Minister. After the break the
meeting was taken over by General Evaluator - Kaja Milanowska
– and her evaluation team. At the end of the meeting Word of
the Day award
went to Krystian Rother, who was the only one to
use ripple in his prepared speech. Winning Table Topics speaker was
Kaja Milanowska with the majority of audience’s votes.

Next Monday is going to be “Evaluation Night: Open the
with a speechcraft segment from Successful Club Series
called “Evaluate to Motivate”. We’ll have a chance to learn
how to give constructive feedback in working environment and
everyday life. Also we’re invited to the Polish Club to help with
their club speech contest, so if you’d like to see some of
the best speakers in Poznan and attend an unusual event be sure to
visit us and our friends from the Polish Club on 30th March, 7pm
at Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa, ul. Powstancow Wielkopolskich 2, room