Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: Executive HR Network 2007 Summits


Harvard Business School Publishing and SHRM cordially invite you to apply to participate in the 2007 Executive HR Network Summits—an exclusive program for senior HR professionals. This is a unique program developed to bring together forward-looking HR leaders from top organizations to address critical challenges, exchange ideas and solutions, and interact with renowned experts in leadership, strategy and management.

2007 Executive HR Network Schedule*

April 5, 2007
HR and the New Accountability
Dallas, Texas
Speakers: John W Boudreau, Tamara J. Erickson

April 18, 2007
HR and the Innovative Organization
San Francisco, Calif.
Speakers: Edward E. Lawler, III, James N. Baron

July 18, 2007
HR and the Change Leadership Imperative
Boston, Mass.
Speakers: Amy C. Edmondson, Julie Battilana

September 20, 2007
HR and the Global Leadership Challenge
Washington, D.C.
Speakers: Gareth Jones, Dr. Warren Wilhelm

To register, visit:

Marek F.

Marek F. Doradca

Temat: Executive HR Network 2007 Summits

nice but a bit too far for me ;)


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