Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: Alternative Perspectives of Responsible Leadership

Organizational Dynamics (Quarter4, 2008) Vol. 37, No. 4, P. 327; Waldman, David A.; Galvin, Benjamin M.

Responsibility is a key factor in a leader's effectiveness because shareholders and boards expect more accountability and transparency from leaders. To promote responsible leadership, reward and monitoring systems should be established to ensure leaders accept their responsibilities and act in the best interests of stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, and customers. Leaders who are authentic and responsible are more likely to inspire their subordinates to accept and implement organizational strategies. Responsible leadership involves considering how decisions impact society as a whole, and leaders should show employees how to act responsibly. Becoming personally involved in community-based projects can illustrate an organization's commitment to society. Experts also indicate organizations should adopt missions and visions that espouse shared social themes and values among stakeholders as a way to inspire followers and employees. Combining social responsibility with organization goals can help intellectually stimulate followers, engaging them in the leader's plan. Giving employees flexibility and an opportunity to offer their own input in the decision-making process also is essential.